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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Who said that it can't spread indoors? You're arguing against a point that was never made. Hey retard the 2nd part of what I said you said was the summer heat will kill it.... You claimed you never said that and then turn around and say that it can't be spread outdoors in the summer... I mean how fucking stupid are you First off Canada and Europe aren't "most places". Secondly just like the US, Europe saw a huge spike during summer 2020. And For the rest of the world, Even countries with a tropical summer like climate all year round... Saw hug
  2. Any hopes that summer’s high temperatures might slow the spread of the coronavirus were smashed in June and July by skyrocketing cases across the country, especially in some of the warmest states." That notion, no matter how many times it was repeated, was never supported by science. The optimistic, though inaccurate forecast was among several persistent misconceptions about heat and light, and other issues related to the spread of the virus, that leave epidemiologists like Carlson increasingly frustrated. Here it is again because apparently your dumbass
  3. The Summer of 2020 saw some of the "hugest and bigly" numbers dufus "Any hopes that summer’s high temperatures might slow the spread of the coronavirus were smashed in June and July by skyrocketing cases across the country, especially in some of the warmest states." That notion, no matter how many times it was repeated, was never supported by science. The optimistic, though inaccurate forecast was among several persistent misconceptions about heat and light, and other issues related to the spread of the virus, that leave epidemiologists like Carlson
  4. The science that it will be gone by the summer because the summer heat will kill it? Or any of the other countless BS claims you pushed for two years
  5. You just realized that this virus being politicized was a huge blunder? Thanks for finally catching up two years later I guess. Hmm I wonder when was it made political and by whom?
  6. It was March 18, 2019. At the U.S. military’s busy Combined Air Operations Center at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar, uniformed personnel watching the live drone footage looked on in stunned disbelief, according to one officer who was there. “Who dropped that?” a confused analyst typed on a secure chat system being used by those monitoring the drone, two people who reviewed the chat log recalled. Another responded, “We just dropped on 50 women and children.” An initial battle damage assessment quickly found that the number of dead was actually about 70. 70 innoc
  7. What a shit tier poster, so much so that he invalidates his entire position by the last post
  8. You didn't watch the video... Metroid Dread made the cut Meanwhile PS5 totally curb stomped the series X
  9. I guess the series X tools are still maturing, it's a late bloomer it seems 2 out of the top three are PS5 games. Ratchet is number 1 beat looking game of 2021, not surprising to anyone expect dumbass hermits and lemmings
  10. His BF bias numb nuts. The game launched as a buggy shit fest and he gives it a huge pass while simultaneously shutting on other games for much less.
  11. Dr Cooke has spoken. Seriously though, hopefully you fully recover and don't suffer long term side-effects from COVID.
  12. Didn't you make a similar thread about the infustructure bill... How did that turn out? Oh yea Biden got in done in 10 months and Trump couldn't even get the ball rolling in 48 months Here's the similar thread you made... Let's see if this one backfires on you as well
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