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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Goukosan


    You moved pretty quickly with this one... Amazing.
  2. He played you all of you Right-Wingers Turn on Glenn Youngkin Over His LGBTQ Staffer and Vaccine Rules A severe case of buyer’s remorse appears to have set in among some conservatives over electing Glenn Youngkin as the next Republican governor of Virginia. Over the past week, outrage has bubbled over among right-wingers and TrumpWorld allies alike, who are under the impression Youngkin has insufficient MAGA loyalty, citing his hiring of an LGBTQ staffer and his refusal to block COVID-related local mandates.
  3. You were saying? Bill signed into law 10 months into Biden's presidency. Meanwhile Trump couldn't even get the ball rolling on infrusture after 48 months in office
  4. Your own words betray you. You're the one that said Lincoln project was left leaning and now that has been proven wrong you try to say I'm gaslighting? And how many times are you going to dodge your own point about conservative values? What's so ironic about this is that the Maga clowns thought they were getting a Maga republican..... Now they're mad because he played them... Lmfao.
  5. What happened to your conservative values point? You dropped that one quick once you realized that Trump has none of those so called conservative values. As far a youngkin he played you Trump cult clowns like a fiddle Just like I told your dumbass, they want regular non cult, non Qanon Republicans back in the party and youngkin so far is one of the regular ones. Right-Wingers Turn on Glenn Youngkin Over His LGBTQ Staffer and Vaccine Rules A severe case of buyer’s remorse appears to have set in among some conservative
  6. Which candidate is that? Name them let's see what ties they do or do not have. Does that sound like people with conservative values? Are you saying that with a serious face whice bowing to the alter of Trump? His conservative values? How blind are you?
  7. They're still republicans dip shit. They're just not drinking the Donald Trump Kool Aid. They want to take their party back from the Qanon, conspiracy theory and brain dead cult folk like you.
  8. Your thread title speaks of it dumb ass. Again I don't play games to relate to or on whether I find a character attractive... That's all on your pathetic ass
  9. I don't look to videogame characters for sex appeal. I play games for the gameplay. Do you only play games where the lead character is attractive to you? That's pathetic on so many levels
  10. Yes returnal isn't about escapism, it's a real life Simulator because of the main character being a woman with short hair. Lmfao Cooke lmfao.
  11. What happened to the non stop barrage of games for Xbox that DynamiteCop promised?
  12. The data includes both left and right wing extremism. It's interesting that you assumed that white rage was only about right wing huh? Lol The point was about domestic terrorism as a whole. But since you want to see left vs right... Here you go. There have been 267 plots or attacks since 2015, most of which came from the far right. Left-wing extremists made up 66 incidents. That means the other 201 incidents since 2015 have been right wing... There goes that pesky proof again. Funny how you haven
  13. The Attack on the capitol was a type of domestic terrorism. That doesn't mean all domestic terrorism revolves around attacking the capitol. How can you be this ignorant? 🤔
  14. Here we go again with the deflections. No I don't believe in the gender pay gap per se. Because unlike the data I just showed you, the gender pay gap analysis did not factor in alot of things. So it wasn't a fair comparison, which lead to "the gender pay gap" thing being blown out of proportion to make it seems as if women get paid less for the same exact job. The data I showed you factored in the crime committed, number of offences etc and was a direct comparison to the same type of crimes getting different sentances depending on your race... Not just a one time thi
  15. Your ignorance is on full display today. White supremacists drive US domestic terrorist attacks to highest level in 25 years Top law enforcement officials say the biggest domestic terror threat comes from white supremacists There have been 267 plots or attacks since 2015 In 2020 alone, domestic extremists committed 73 domestic terrorist incidents, an all-time high record. There goes that thing called proof again Ramza
  16. Most talked about on propaganda sites like I told you. It's funny you talk about proof. I provided nation wide data that shows its not being taught in schools (which you first alluded it was)... You immediately ran to the general and the military when he is referring to learning what caused Jan 6th and white rage domestic terrorism. I post data showing system racism in the judicial and crimimal system in America... All of a sudden you drop that topic and move on to something else.. Lol Stay ignorant kid.
  17. Well you're the one using it to form your ignorant opinions on things
  18. The military doesn't go after regular crime dumbass that's the police. He is talking about one of the causes of domestic terrorism and attacks on the government like Jan 6th.
  19. I mean like Liquid says... We all have access to the internet. If you really don't know who or what they are you're just too lazy to actually take a few minutes to verify what sources your using to form your ignorant opinions.
  20. White rage doesn't mean all white people are raging dumbass lmfao... Talk about a snowflake. Do you know what is the number one threat on America as far as killings? Domestic terrorism. And do you know who are the ones committing these crimes? White men. So yes, the military etc needs to understand what causes this in order to help stop it from getting worse. They can't be ignorant to it genius.
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