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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. This thread he created was him reaching for that hope
  2. Those are just two applications out of everything else. For the hardware power that iPad has under the hood it's OS is neutered.
  3. Oh so when it was high that was the truth,but now that it's one of the best if not the best out of all the developed countries.... It's because they're hiding the true price of inflation... Lol
  4. IPad OS has stagnated for almost s decade.
  5. "Calculator comes to iPad. Biggest cheer of the day. Not joking" Man apple fans continue to be easily impressed.
  6. Cooke got cooked. I think I found his new nickname, perfect representation of how he always embarrassing himself.
  7. A thread by Cooke that poorly sourced where he doesn't actually read what he posted beyond the headline and it ends up not being what he thought it was? Par for the course with his dumbass 😂🤣
  8. You're going to pretend that MAGA and QAnon lunatics don't have book loads for BS far right narratives. I mean just two years ago you were knew deep in that shit, falling for every fake BS culture war nonsense they pushed out
  9. No... taxes and inflation in the USA are both not at peak levels. Can't speak for Canada but in the United States it's currently not peak high levels.
  10. It gets better lol "With this update you can finally change the flashlight and camera shortcuts on the lockscreen"
  11. Android primarily relies on RCS. And surprise surprise Apple will be adopting RCS in ios18
  12. No essential workers...so now the millions of people that needed essential life saving preceedres in hospitals and facilities daily across the globe all perish.... So now even more people die.. Excellent plan This is worse than when you said car accidents are worse than a global pandemic. The vaccine was to reduce the probability of people dying from Covid... Which it did. Sub blew you head off just like I did during the pandemic. Keep running and making the same dumb posts 4 years later bitch.
  13. Dumbass you were right about nothing. You and Jehurey were the only one arguing where covid originated from. You can continue that dumb shit argument with him. You're still desperately trying to be right while embarrassing yourself. Your dumbass still thinks covid should have vene left to run rampant on the world despite millions of unvaxxed people dying from it in a 18 month timeframe. Sub just curb stomped you with FACTS and of course just like I said you would do you ignored it to proclaim you were right... Lmfao. Fucking idiot.
  14. Half the PlayStation fanbase as a whole isn't on PS4. It's half the number of active PSN users that are still on PS4. And as NPD pointed out those are fortnite/Minecraft/roblox and GTA V players who stay on the older boxes just to play that. So yea its still about platform viability.
  15. Forced? It's a business partnership between Sony and Lego. I know it makes good SW fodder but without this partnership we weren't seeing the Horizon IP on a Nintendo system. It's more so about platform viability and lego not wanting to miss out huge sales on the Switch platform which traditionally sell boatloads upon boatloads of Lego games.
  16. Through a partnership with Lego for a Lego game.
  17. It's a Lego game, Sony licensing there IP for a Lego game is the unique factor.... But at the end of the day its a Lego game.
  18. Cooke has been getting curb stomped about Covid topics now for 4 years and counting. His dumbass is going to run away from the thread, pretend you never responded and then weeks later make another Covid thread parroting the same BS that you just debunked. Wash rinse repeat.
  19. X - cluded It's a Lego game, that's typically on everything except Xbox it seems.. Lol
  20. https://x.com/Wario64/status/1798766972425130067?s=19 Prices to show a game on the summer game fest and the game awards. "running a trailer during Summer Game Fest’s main show this year cost $250,000 for one minute, $350,000 for one and a half minutes, $450,000 for two minutes, and $550,000 for two and a half minutes." Same pricing tiers as last year's Game Awards. There are a few free time slots in the show for smaller indie studios.
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