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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. The issues in the OP is ownage. Those games shouldn't have launched in that state. But for what you posted the person hosting the game literally has zero bars
  2. You're waiting for an old port years after release. I'm getting SMTV day 1 in a few weeks
  3. I don't understand why you always expect everything to be "teased" or shown in previews. You do this for everygame. Reviews will tell you exactly how the game fully plays, previews is just a snippet and trailers are an even smaller snippet.
  4. Those audio codecs were never free, companies paid for the license and consumers ate the cost in the price of the product. MS is now pushing the cost of the codec on the consumer while not dropping the price of the product.... Scummy bastards
  5. Aren't you actively bitching and crying about Alec being a scumbag for "reasons"....
  6. What specifically from that link equates him to being a scumbag to you?
  7. No the problem is you're a fucking retard who doesn't read beyond thread titles. The article says 419 million, the numbers I posted are higher than that. Had your dumbass actually bothered to read the source material you would have seen that. What's hilarious is the totals wasn't even the point of my orginal post, you tried to side track the real point and still got owned. Stay dumb my friend
  8. The mileage Capcom got out of this one game is insane. Truly a timeless classic. Snowflakes crying about a few modified lines have been owned
  9. Again, not only are you terrible at basic math... You're terrible at logic and missed the point.... Add it up again dipshit (that wasn't the point but it appears that you can do basic math)
  10. That's not the full list retard and you're even terrible at Math too ... But way to miss the point as always
  11. I agree 1000% hence my fake outrage. The changes are dumb.. Really dumb. But it's such a minor change that doesn't affect the game in no way whatsoever. If the changes made actually impacted the game itself then I would get the outage. I also agree, if you don't like the changes just don't support. What I find hilarious with them is, even you think the changes are dumb because we're not absolutely OUTRAGED like they are... They take that as us supporting the changes.. Lmfao.
  12. But DynamiteCop said the games from the new studious would defy long development time and be out in short order with a non stop frequency... What happened?
  13. I'm not sure what you guys expected. The game is about a guy with no super powers doing crazy stunts in various insane set pieces.... And looks like the movie will be the same. Popcorn flick with no real substance.
  14. I mean you beat me to the punch by just reporting it yourself.. I hope you're self aware enough to know you just reported it right? But in the meantime..you can at least answer simple question, what guy?
  15. OMG, the minor changes to a few lines of dialoge makes this game totally unplayable now. Teh travesty!!!!
  16. You're having a hard time answering a simple question. What guy?
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