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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Awww look how mad this filty thieving pirate is because I didn't engage in his "go around" trying to prove whether he stole a game on PC that's not released on PC
  2. Slow Jonny missed him too... Remember both him and DynamiteCop were acting as if it was impossible to be on vacation and not check SW And as soon as he came back they were on him like white on rice.
  3. You're asking for Proof that it's not released on PC? Lmfao ... Go try start that "go round" shit somewhere else kid
  4. Filthy beggar pirate stealing because it's not released on PC
  5. Poor hermit, look at him squirm and writhe
  6. Yes you're sentanced to being a poor begging thieving hermit for the rest of your life
  7. Your sentance stopped after you said poor hermits
  8. You're stealing it because it's not released on PC
  9. Thanks for confirming only poor hermits emulate Nintendo games
  10. No one is saying poor Nintendo lmfao Just calling the Hermits what they are filthy pirates
  11. OG Switch is hacked, game was out days before release on Switch. But let's use your same logic about not being released. It's not released on PC
  12. It was already out in the wild on Switch, how do you think it got emulated? .. Lol And just like all other Switch games emulated on PC the general public doesn't care and will still get the game on Switch. And playing an emulated version on PC without owning the orginal game is stealing.
  13. Lol I've already killed two of them. They're only in certain "zones" ... They hunt you down pretty good but if you map out your escape route you can evade them with some effort effort. If you happen to get caught.... You can counter them (one time) if you time it right (the window is really small) and escape. Just got to the first real boss. The reviews aren't lying when they say the bosses provide a good challenge
  14. The source material is in the OP. We all know you're too slow/lazy/retarded to post links when you make threads. Now we see you too slow/lazy/ratarded to watch videos/source material/links... Not going back and forth with your dumbass anymore. Have fun raging on
  15. Yes we know you cannot watch the video because your attention span is that of an infant
  16. Slow Jonny's low attention span can't last the entire video
  17. The OP has the video with the entire review... How stupid are you really?
  18. Slow Jonny is still confused... Poor retarded fuck
  19. Yes I posted the video, and as I said I know threads with links/videos etc confuses your dumbass. You'll catch up to it soon enough.... Or maybe not
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