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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. The secret documents thing is major too if he really did leak information to our adversaries.
  2. More than half of them were convicted while Trump was president and the case against Trump the investigation started in 2018 while Trump was president Oh shit... Trump did say he would drain the swamp.. He was playing 4d chess this whole time.. And he did drain the swamp after all.. Including himself
  3. Meanwhile his cabinet members were convicted while he was president and had the most convictions in the history of united states. Most corrupt administration in the history of the US. Worse than Nixon. https://x.com/LePapillonBlu2/status/1797295999448133753?s=19 His campaign chiarman - convicted His deputy campaign manager - convicted. His personal lawyer - convicted. His chief strategist - convicted. His National Security Advisor - convicted. His Trade advisor - convicted. His Foreign Policy Advisor - convicted. His Campaign F
  4. I mean you have about 40 Biden threads you create a week and even in a thread that you yourself created about Trump's conviction you're still obsessed with Biden
  5. You went from saying best ever.. To trying to slip in "during that time frame" in later replies. Slimy J 🤥...your own words betray you. Go argue with yourself about you saying best selling ever
  6. You went from saying it's Sony's best selling, to now slipping in "for that time frame".. Lmfao. For that time frame it was the fastest but Helldivers 2 is not Sony's best selling game.. Wrong again slimy J.
  7. That Spiderman 2 is their best selling game ever... Sure it eclipses everything on Xbox... But Spiderman 2 is not the best selling Sony game ever.
  8. Bbbbbut The devs are lying guiz If MS didn't have a parity mandate for series S, there wouldn't be an issue.
  9. Trump thread about his conviction you bring up Biden... Obsessed much?
  10. 1) Mr. Impossible is black dipshit. You're the one who's speaking out of turn on behalf of black people. 2) No one is trying to take away the 2nd amendment, gun safety laws to reduce the amount of insane people that have access to military grade weapons is not taking away the 2nd amendment. 3) again, he's black. You're the one who is speaking on behalf of black people by stating Trump's conviction somehow makes will appeal to black people... Even though it's the white Maga crowd that's eating this shit up.... Case in point... Your ass lol 4) To even regi
  11. Whatever it is he isn't getting the Max.
  12. You're straight up lying Cooke 🤥. You swore up and down from the start he wasn't going 3rd party..... Until he did and you immediately started coming with excuses of why you're wrong... Lol
  13. Right right, so he didn't break the law and is innocent of all charges.. Uh huh lol.
  14. If his plan is to use this as outreach to African Americans then he will lose the black vote even worse than he did in 2020. Hope his campaign is as short sighted as you two.
  15. How will we know that today Cooke? Sentencing is sometime in July.
  16. Tears from the Maga Kingdom https://x.com/ProjectLincoln/status/1796290634124550425?s=19 https://x.com/harryjsisson/status/1796290709294559660?s=19
  17. Look at you admitting you are a dirty slimy port begger after all these years. That was mature of you. You're experiencing something MS gaming knows nothing about... Growth.
  18. We just witnessed MS' model crashing the entire Xbox ecosystem. Shit is in free fall off a cliff... Yet Remij thinks Sony will copy that strategy... Any day now
  19. That's a lot of spin to say their strategy still hasn't changed and has been the same for years. You're trying to spin and conflate day 1 GAAS as something new or as some new indicator that their tent pole console releases will be also be day 1. You're not slick dumbass. Now run along and keep begging and hoping for Day 1 tent pole Playstation games on PC... They should be coming any day now
  20. Hey dumbass... This was what they announced YEARS ago. GAAS would be day 1. Stop acting like that's new news or a change in strategy when this has been the strategy for this gen from the jump. You're not slick.
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