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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 13 hours ago, Cooke said:




    Cooke what with your obsession with posting edited videos that cut out the entire context? 


    See below for entire speech transcript. 





    See below for the video of the entire speech. 






    A reporter asked about climate change and the lack of consensus.    


    See below for the context of the answer, unedited too.  



    Yes at the end of the response it was a silly story about a quote from a movie his brother likes where a character says to another "lying  dog faced Pony soldier"  lmfao. 


    But as he said they're a lot of "lying dog faced pony soldiers" that were lying about Climate change that aren't lying anymore now.   

  2. 2 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

    In a thread about Starfield running at 720p, which is a lie, you came here to talk shit about how the Switch launch was powerwise, superior to PS3, and you tried to prove it a game like Skyrim, when I just proved you that Skyrim is a hybrid of a PS3-PS4 game with more assets relatable to the PS3 version.


    You just got owned when you said that the game was "based off PS4 version just simply because it ran better than the PS3 version".


    That commentary along makes it more close to the PS3 version than the PS4.


    No dip shit watch the DF video it's based off the PS4 version. 


    Sugarhigh was going off his delusional shit about PS3 being stronger than Switch and I responded to him. 


    Then You came in with your lack reading comprehension and shit :kaz:

  3. 4 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

    This has nothing to do with reading comprehension skills, but more with "reading between the lines" and you just got caught redhanded with your bullshit.

    Sure, go ahead, keep playing "reading comprehension" skill card.

    You're reading between the lines when nothing was between the lines idiot.  Not my fault cane read and comprehend basic English :umad:


  4. 23 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

    Sigh, I am just going to show you step by step about you just got caught in your own bullshit.


    "Speaking of Skyrim ...on Switch it was based off the PS4 version.


    Ran better, with stable frame rate, zero screen tearing, more graphical features and higher res than the PS3 version."


    That to me sounds like you were trying to speak of Skyrim Switch as a version that is more PS4 like than PS3, when in reality the Switch version is missing more than half the effects from the PS4 version.


    That makes the Switch version, a hybrid which its only appeal was that it was running on a handheld platform.


    The whole technical specs of your initial posture were thrown away when I showed you a video of the game running with less than half the effects of the actual PS4 version.




    That shows your lack of reading comprehension skills. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

    Switch might be more powerful on paper, but based on what I've seen, nothing on Switch surpasses what I've been on later PS3 games.


    Also that video that you put is showing raw data, regarding assets, if it is vastly inferior to PS4.


    That is not in accordance to what you initally said about the Swtich version of Skyrim being on par with PS4.


    It is easier to run Skyrim Swtich with nearly no screen tearing or framerate when you are running with less than half the effects of the PS4 version.


    That makes it more comparable to the PS3 version.


    I realized reading is not your specialty... Based on PS4 version =/= equal to the PS4 version. 

  6. 1 minute ago, MalaXmaS said:

    Then you are wrong.

    Nintendo's exclusives were good because of that Nintendo touch, but tech wise, they were weaker than PS3.

    Resolution was even less than 1080p, and Zelda BoTW was a poor man's Skyrim.


    Speaking of Skyrim ...on Switch it was based off the PS4 version.


    Ran better, with stable frame rate, zero screen tearing, more graphical features and higher res than the PS3 version. 


    I rest my case :umad:

  7. Just now, Remij said:

    I wouldn't be so sure of that, in fact, in terms of scope, Switch has at least 2 games which demolish anything on PS3.  Xenoblade 2 and 3.  I'd have to think about it, but there's probably quite a few Switch games out there doing more advanced rendering techniques than anything fount in TLOU1 on PS3.  Don't forget TLOU1 on PS3 used videos for most of the cutscenes...


    TLOU1 is a game which was advanced in all the ways that Sony games typically are advanced.  Production values...  Things like the animations are a high quality.. and to be honest, it's hard for the majority of developers out there to reach the levels of Naughty Dog's hand crafted cutscenes is hard.  They have big budgets and that is part of the reason why most studios can barely reach what Naughty Dog have done with the PS4 despite hardware that's many times more powerful.. you need budget.. and it's no shock that Nintendo's own games aren't going to be in the same category for budget.  And yet despite that, developers all over the world have a clear admiration for how technically competent Nintendo's own games are, given their target specs/resolution.  Luigi's Mansion 3 is a stunning example of beautifully rendered visuals.


    I don't think we need to imagine too hard of what Monolith will be able to accomplish on this potential Switch 2 hardware... it will look as current as anything I'd imagine.


    Even TOTK wouldn't be possible on Ps3 with it's 512mb of ram.


    PS3 doesn't have the minimum required spec to run ANY modern engine.  CPU, GPU functions, RAM capacity and speed are all below the spec. 

  8. 28 minutes ago, Cooke said:

    Well to be fair Canada only has 28 NBA players to choose from and they didn't have Jamal Murray who I would say is the best Canadian player. Plus no Wiggins or Tristan Thompson.



    Jamal Murray and Wiggins would have helped.... But Tristan Thompson best days are behind him. 

  9. 1 minute ago, sugarhigh said:

    Never got one game more advanced than The Last of Us.


    All the UE4 games are more advanced than last of Us. 


    CRYSIS 1-3 were more advanced than last of US. 


    All the well done PS4/Xb1 ports were more advanced than the last of us. 


    The Switch 2 will launch more powerful than PS4 and just like Switch 1 you will be delusional and deny it. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Yea, I don't believe they would either, but it would be nice.


    I wonder when we'll get the announcement.  There was a thread on ERA asking if people thought it would be a special recorded live presentation like the original Switch, or whether it will be announced during a Direct, and most people seemed to just think it would be a Direct.


    I personally wish they would do similar to what they did with the Switch.  Live presentations always feel more like an event for me.


    Whatever it is.. Won't see it until Jan 2024 for the earliest. 

  11. 1 hour ago, -GD-X said:

    Eh, this game isn’t for me. I’ve gotten bored of clearing out areas. The combat isn’t that great either. Maybe I would be more invested if the characters weren’t so wooden. My favorite part, in the 5 hours I played, was negotiating a hostage situation. I did some exploring. Nice rocks? I’m sure this game is perfect for a certain type of gamer, one who likes to explore for the sake of exploring. 


    Sounds like a 7.0 game. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, Remij said:

    Sounds like I could have seriously underestimated what they'd be able to do, given my assumptions about where Nvidia would land with the hardware, and what Nintendo will potentially allow them to do.


    Given the Deck itself, and now more recently with the ROG Ally and new Ayaneo devices, it doesn't seem so far fetched to me anymore.  Ampere is a powerful architecture, and given Nvidia's advancements with DLSS since the release of DLSS2 will really allow it to run lower res internally while at the same time outputting superior visuals compared to any other handheld based on AMD.. that much is a given (currently since FSR3 also apparently improves super resolution quality)  DLSS3.5 SR, is pretty incredible.. and Nvidia are able to denoise and upscale from a stupidly low input resolution and make it look visually great.  Their Ray Reconstruction tech also gives me faith that it will be quite capable of quality RT as well.


    The Deck itself is starting to show its age compared to these new devices, but it's still surprising how visually impressive games can look when you allow the framerate to drop into the 20s.  The Matrix demo on consoles ran at 24fps... So given that the Switch 2 has 12GB+ of RAM with decent bandwidth.. it's not surprising that with DLSS SR (and potentially hardware accelerated RT for lumen) that the Switch 2 could compare even favorably to the same demo on the Series S.


    I truly now think that it's possible.  For sure, as I can attest to with the Steam Deck... when played on a ~7'' screen, a mix of medium and high settings produces an extremely "PS4/5, XO/Series" like visual experience.  The size hides a lot of the flaws.  DLSS will likely make up the difference in the resolution department as well, where as FSR on the PC handhelds really fails by comparison in motion.


    I think it's going to be quite a bit better than I expected.


    I wonder what storage capacity the thing is going to have?  256/512GB maybe?  It would be cool if Switch 2 had the ability to put in your Switch carts and install the games onto storage and run from the device without having to change carts.  Say it just creates a temporary key for the game cart with your account, and if someone else tries to install the game from that cart it just invalidates the key on the old device and creates a new one for the new device.  The cart can only have one active key at a time.  That would be cool.


    I kinda went off there, but there's lots of questions.. and it seems like we're going to be seeing something fairly soon.  Exciting times.


    They're not going to let you install your physical Switch 1 carts on the Switch 2 internal memory.  After Switch 1 was hacked to hell and high Waters they're not opening that Pandoras box. 


    Everything else you stated is possible, it just depends on how much Nintendo will throttle performance for the sake of batter life. 

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