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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Those aren't the best games you played on PC this year Ramza
  2. No one is talking about that old ass game clown 🤡 How is Rise On Xbox?
  3. You say all that yet the best games you played on PC this year was in Switch day 1 and you're the one celebrating getting old Switch ports
  4. The game was revealed in 2020 with a PC version coming for 2022. You're celebrating old news for an old game a year later after it already announced since 2020....are you THAT desperate? 2022 I'll be playing and looking forward to new games while you celebrate getting old Switch ports
  5. GP is growing and its good for the gamers in the Xbox universe...... But GP is not "successful" as yet for MS. GP games rarely sell well on Xbox (confirmed by NPD themselves) And GP is still a loss leader financially (its a long term investment, not a short term goal).
  6. The best games YOU played this year were also on Switch day 1. Meanwhile you're celebrating getting an old console port on PC. The game was announced as coming to PC since 2020 you're celebrating getting it in 2022
  7. Chip shortage delayed the system launch by a year + according to this article. The reason, according to a person familiar with Nintendo’s hardware planning, was component shortages, a far-reaching problem born out of the Covid-19 pandemic
  8. Can you read? Loop Holes as in plural. Point is the rich have been not been paying taxes (or pay very little) for a long time. You for some reason see something wrong with them being taxed.
  9. Yes tax loopholes which she wants to close. So just like I thought you have issues with the rich being taxed
  10. Great ACE Attorney could probably run on a SNES/GBA... didn't you pay $50 CAD for that
  11. Solid userbase numbers. MS is willing to invest billions on GP now in the hopes they make huge profits/dominate in the future (5 to 10 years) . But as of right now GP is still a loss leader.
  12. Just an example. Could be a thunderstorm or whatever
  13. Millionaires and billionaires make more than 400K dufus. And just like I thought you can't provide proof that she pays less than 0% tax
  14. "Some of the world's richest executives, including Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg and Elon Musk, pay little to no taxes compared to their wealth, according to a ProPublica report" Now it's your turn to show she pays less tax than zero.... Game... Set... Match
  15. And when that AA battery dies in the middle of a gaming session... You better run through that snow storm to purchase a new pack
  16. That's the point genius, to show you how your stance doesn't make sense.... Im using your own logic against you dumbass
  17. You mean like flight simulator that was on PC more than a whole year before Xbox?
  18. Now imagine your AA batteries in your controller dying on you on a Sunday night mid game and you run out to the store in the freezing snow to purchase a new pack. XBOX
  19. You have yet to provide any proof dimwit.
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