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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Hey retard, she is already taxed at a higher rate. The concept is to tax those over 400K at a fair rate. Why is it that the rich get taxed less than the middle class? That's not fair. We all need to be taxed accordingly.
  2. "Tax the rich" always started at 400K, nothing has changed. People who make over 100K (in her bracket) already get taxed at a higher rate than actual rich people. You would know that if you made that type of money
  3. Tax th rich means people shouldn't get raises?
  4. Oh so now that your first attempt to lie about how much you posted on SW failed by over 20K posts, your new claim is "bbbbut you post more than me despite the 20K gap Your 2017 profile ALONE from just 4 years ago has almost as many posts as my one and only profile from 16 years ago.... Your posts on that profile averages to over 17 posts PER Day for you VS just 5 posts a day for me. No matter how you spin it you have one of the highest posts counts in SW history 17 posts a day on average... Yiiiikes... and that's what you consider you sl
  5. You have Over 50K posts and more than 20K posts than me. Get a life you lame fuck
  6. Cali is not on lockdown. Cali has the lowest transmission rate AND LOWEST HOSPITALIZATION rate. The vaccination rate is directly tied to the low hospitalization rate. In any effect that's the main reason California voted to keep Gavin in a landslide. The republican Platform right now is anti mask and antivaxx... the majority of Americans do not want to go back to lockdowns, hospitalizations and deaths from last year... Hence why the republicans lost another race.
  7. Slow Jonny total post count - 51, 155 My total posts count - 29, 528 Post count difference of 21,627 You have over 20K posts than me..safe to say SW is your life.. No wonder you're so mad it isn't mine... Watch his post count climb even higher as he rages on
  8. This is my orginal and only SW account from 2005. Check the post count. Now go check the post count of your account you recently created in 2017 (almost as much posts as my account) and now check the post count of all your other SW accounts.... Now tell me, who life revolves around SW?
  9. Him and slow Jonny find it unbelievable that our lives don't revolve around SW like their's. They're legit mad about it too
  10. Why are you so mad? Not because it's something that YOU would do, doesn't mean we all do it. If you choose to be on SW while you're out the country then that's on you. No need to be upset because some of us rarely post while on Vaca. Why is that so unbelievable to you?
  11. We have real lives that don't revolve around videogames.
  12. Not true for everyone. If my vacation involves leaving the country SW doesn't see me even from my phone. It would be really rare for me to check SW while out the country.
  13. That's no way to talk about the Samsung screen in your phone
  14. And she is returning to voice the same Bayonetta.. So yes you were wrong yet again That pay nonesense was Twinblade, it was almost as dumb as your theories as to why she supposedly wasn't returning.... ....
  15. Exactly They miss him oh so much.
  16. You were raging about the voice actor..... Bbbbbbut it's a new voice actor... OMG teh horror
  17. Just means more games to be announced and shown Meanwhile you were raging and coming up with all kind of BS theories for nothing 😂😅
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