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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Yes, I'll accept that you pulled that BS out your ass about me not playing Bayonetta 3 when it comes out and move on... At least you were right about something. Did you just compare changing a voice actor to changing the character of bayonneta to a pink green gremlin? šŸ˜ They will find a voice actor that sounds similar to the previous one and if she does a great job.. no one will give a shit that the previous voice actor isn't there anymore.
  2. That 4 already, I'm already sick of it ... Wait another Forza title? I'm no where close to being sick of those
  3. You think I won't play Bayonetta 3 because? It's like once you can't prove your point about whatever the thread topic is you immediately go to the "you won't play it anyway" BS. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ If you think im jumping on a Remi-go-round with you - "no you won't play it, yes I will play it, no you won't, yes I will" like you do with Jehurey in every fucking thread... That's not happening
  4. All trolling aside. There is a certain segment of the right that wants that. Not sure why Republicans continue to solely target that base and that base alone. That's not a winning political strategy. Like you said, most people just want some sort of normalcy but also know some sort of Covid protocols are needed in these times.
  5. Games bought through gamepass are tracked by NPD.... Unfortunately it's not a big number.... And just like that lemmings gamepass damage control disappeared
  6. Didn't you hear? People are tired of Spiderman, wolverine and the whole Marvel gaming universe. Some of the biggest IPs in the world...people are just tired of it. Whereas people did not get tired of yearly Forza releases...
  7. I mean if they change the voice actor how would I play the game They possibly can't find another woman to voice her.... Ohhh noez.
  8. So it would get old if spiderman, Wolverine and other marvel characters from the biggest IPs in the world are released on a yearly basis. But apparently a new Forza game every year for 8 years straight did not get old.
  9. Lemmings on SW have the be the luckiest set of lemmings in the entire universe. None of them, not a single one experienced RROD with 360. But curiously every single one of them experienced YLOD with PS3. What are the odds?
  10. Speaking on that, it is starting to be addressed by the new administration. Not going to say much more about it in this thread because of the no politics on the main board rule.
  11. WHO https://www.who.int/en/activities/tracking-SARS-CoV-2-variants/ Mu and lam aren't varients of concerns as yet. They're still varients on interest. So all those "news" reports you're reading about final conclusions on those varients are twisting the facts. The data is still being analyzed.
  12. 1) First off you asked about herd immunity and I explained how it would work with the vaccines. 2) 2nd of all the Mu varient isn't as contagious as the Delta varient. It's been 9 months and Mu hasn't spread as rapidly as Delta How contagious is it? "One reassuring element is that, despite being around since January 2021, it doesnā€™t seem to be outcompeting delta, the dominant variant across most of the world." 3) 3rd of all Mu has not be categorized as a VOC... Because again we have 9 months of data and its not as bad as Delta.
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