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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. https://x.com/tomwarren/status/1795966798942158935?s=19 Any day now guiz
  2. This is where you pretend from the start I didn't tell you that he was going to position himself to be the 3rd party candidate, with yhe goal of being a spoiler. Fast forward today and he's a fucking 3rd party candidate who can't stop talking about being a spoiler.
  3. No amount of stupid shit you say can't change the fact that you're a clueless fuck
  4. Your own words betray you Lmfao at you trying to conflate GAAS with non GAAS games, even though Sony from the jump made a clear distinction between the two when they outlined their strategy.
  5. Damn look at the wall of text from the green name that's hiding behind PC after hating it for over a decade
  6. Not my fault your dumbass didn't understand the full scope of what a spoiler is
  7. Switch hasn't been out for a decade sloooow Jonny 😂 I still play Switch + PS5. Meanwhile your Xbox is collecting dust and you're pretending you didn't hate PC for over a decade and was a diehard lunatic lemming
  8. Bbbbbut regular people can't distinguish between GAAS and non GAAS games Your slimy ass trying to conflate GAAS with non GAAS games even though from the start Sony clearly made the distinction and you've been begging and crying "any day now" for non GAAS Sony games day one on PC for the longest. Remij - "Sometime this gen, no wait by the end of this gen... Hold up.. I meant by next gen... No what I really meant is it will happen in my lifetime"
  9. Desperate move because their console is free falling off a cliff. GamePass has failed to move the needle and is bleeding money. And their retail sales of software has nosedived to hell. It's the only play they have left because everything else they have tried didn't pan out well for them.
  10. Sloooow for over a decade - "PC sucks I hate it, Xbox numba 1, best deal in gaming" Sloooow Jonny in 2024 - "I haven't really touched my Xbox, I've been a PC gamer since forever... What made you guys think I was a lemming?"
  11. Mr Disingenuous strikes again. Sony laid out their plans a couple years ago of the live service games being day 1 on PC and everything else a delayed port of a year/2 years or more. They're still following that road map. Throughout this you've been saying day and date for the non live service Playstation games on PC is coming any day now. Now today your new BS spin is that "it doesn't matter if it's live service or not" as if that's always been your mantra
  12. Keep hope alive chump while you wait for Day and date Playstation games on PC.... Meanwhile MS is set to announce first party games day and date on Playstation
  13. Playstation is about to get almost the entire slate of MS games moving forward. If that scenario where a potential 3rd party licensed Xbox, could potentially be open up to other 3rd party stores to the potentially play late Playstation ports is comedy to you. Then what's day 1 MS 1st party games launching on PS5?
  14. Ghostz is a proud cuck bro.... His dedication to being cucked is commendable.. Lol
  15. I guess me and you have that in common... Difference is she is Your girl and yet she doesn't want to fuck you but is fucking everyone else but you.... Buy Hey at least you get to watch
  16. The only person wants her is you. The guys that gang bang her and tag team her don't want her either, they're just using and fucking her like that slut she is.
  17. Whatever makes you feel better about Xbox being full 3rd party.
  18. No body wants your girl.... Except when dudes are looking for a slut to gangbang in front of your Cuck ass
  19. Thanks for showing us how stupid you are
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