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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Zelda has both the highest scoring (tied with BDG3) and highest selling SM2 will likely outsell most games on one platform this year outside of Zelda.
  2. You did over a months worth of posting in one weekend that's an Epic Meltdown, 7 on the Richter scale
  3. Slow Jonny with almost 70 posts in thoa thread, 30 something in a few others individually... that's just over 150 posts for the holiday weekend.... Yikkkkes. Spending your entire weekend on SW
  4. Just like I thought, you, LemiJ and Jehurey spent your Labor Day weekend on SW
  5. Musk blaming the jews (anti defamation league) for Twitter/X losing 60% of its ad revenue
  6. Before I even came into this thread I knew you would have held this dumb ass position
  7. Logged on real quick only to see 37 posts by slow Jonny and counting.... Spending your labor day weekend in SW getting owned By the time I come back on the boards Tues you'll have hundreds of posts between all the Starfield floppage threads Enjoy spending your weekend on SW
  8. "No reason to doubt Starfield anymore. Looking to be one of the best games ever made." Bbbbbbbbbut I never hyped, I swearz
  9. Starfield wants to know what pronoun you identify as, and lemmings are triggered
  10. Lmfao... Bethesda straight up lied. LemiJ - "Bbbbbbut 1000s of planets to explore he said
  11. LemiJ - "I can't wait to fly freely from planet to planet and get lost in space, the exploration will be unmatched" 😢
  12. LemiJ - " The 1000s of planets beaming with life and wonder, the galaxy is yours to freely explore" 😭
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