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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 36 minutes ago, sugarhigh said:

    DF believing rumors and running with them like this is shameful. Wise up guys.


    Can you read and comprehend? :umad:


    Some more context. 


    You do know that DF was at gamescon as they said last week. 


    Last week they also said they saw the closed door area where Nintendo was showing off switch 2 to developers. 


    Last week they also said they heard about what was shown but was waiting to confirm it before reporting on it. 


    They week they're speaking on it, but still framing it as "Nvidia can pull it off because of the efficency gains"  that doesn't mean it's 100%. It's still a rumor of what was shown. 


    They're reporting on sourced info from what was shown... Not some random 4chan rumor. 

  2. On 2023-09-05 at 4:11 PM, Mr. Impossible said:


    Lmfao he actually is carrying on about Twitter being worth 40 Billion dollars. I guess he is basing this on the stock price he himself inflated when he tricked himself into buying it? 


    This is how right wing politics ruin people's minds lol. 


    According to Elon Musk’s own math, the company formerly known as Twitter has lost 90% of its value


  3. 11 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

    Rumors and all, but latest I’ve heard is 3.1 DLSS. Either way, it’ll be useful for something like Switch 2. Might even be something proprietary to get it where Nintendo wants it to be.


    DF cleared this up in the Switch thread. 


    NVIDIA has weird naming conventions... DLSS3 is actually frame generation.. And we know Switch 2 definitely won't have that because you need NVIDIA's most beefy desktop graphics cards for this. 


    But get this DLSS 3.5 is just the version number for the temporal spatial upscaler..(You would think 3.5 means more advanced than 3.0 right?)


    Meaning Switch 2 possibly can have DLSS3.5 (since it's just the upscaler) 





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  4. 5 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

    Obviously generational differences, SDKs and PS3 especially was one of the most difficult platforms to develop for. It’s no surprise. I think we forget how shitty PS3 ports were.




    We also forget that PS3/360 had ONLY 512mb of ram.... Or how bad most frame rates were that gen with Screen tearing through the ass etc. 



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