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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Can you read.... Serious question? I SAID THEY MERGED YOUR PORT CELEBRATION THREAD WITH RAMZA'S. Tell me what days sheep in what I said?
  2. I highlighted it for you. It ok, I understand you want to move on from the current discussion about games so far this year, seeing and you were getting stomped out. We can move on to number of good new games on Meta for the rest of the year since you want to get stomped out with that too.
  3. You guys had already started with the same go around about each other's PSN/Xbox profile. Like I said enjoy it for the trillionth time
  4. Oh boy here we go again... Another epic 20 pager incoming.... Have fun
  5. Yes everyone moved on except you. You're the only one left doing it and apparently you love it So it all comes back to my original point... You're the only one doing it now.
  6. Those are posters who USED to do it with him years ago. They don't do that anymore. You're the last one left.
  7. Just like I thought.. No one does the 20 pages with him except you.
  8. They merged your port celebration thread with Ramza's
  9. Name the names of people that go on those 20 page go arounds with him. You said they're several people but you're having problems naming names
  10. That's not what we were discussing. We were talking about up to the point But you want to wave the white flag on go on to the rest of the year we can do that too.
  11. That Switch has more new good games on Meta than series X so far this year? You're on slow Jonny.
  12. Who else goes on 20 page go arounds with him about the same PSN and Xbox profile thing you and him argue about in every thread even unrelated threads? Name names
  13. And yet you're the only one on a merry go round with him every single time... I think you secretly like it. LemiJ you have the memory of a gnat. We already said he was the problem.... But what you choose not to see is that you are part of it too. As we discussed before a few weeks ago, no one else does this with him in every thread... EXCEPT YOU.... It takes two to tango. You always choose to tango with him.. So you get some of the blame as well
  14. Pretty certain bravely default was always a timed exclusive. Anyways. So games releasing first on Switch Don't count on Switch but count on PC if they get ported to PC months or years later. Simultaneous releases on Steam and Switch don't count on Switch for some odd reason but they count on PC. Gotcha.
  15. Slow Jonny names a specific game, I quote him about that specific game... He is confused as to what game... Slow Jonny will slow Jonny I guess. Anyways. New games released this year on that Switch list still outnumber the 14 or so new good games on Xbox for 2021
  16. Again, even if you remove that game Xbox still loses. XBOX starting point is 20 games and 3 of the top 5 are old ports. So now you're dropping into the teens
  17. No slow Jonny. Those are steam games that released simultaneously on Switch. Which means it's also on PC and some of those are on every system. And even if you remove those games, Xbox still loses because Xbox only has 20 good games on the list for 2021 so far.
  18. You cant help yourself but to go on constant go around posts with him every single time
  19. All those games he listed are steam PC games that also released on Switch
  20. All Those games you listed are also on other platforms... Even if you remove them Switch still has more good games this year than Xbox
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