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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Bbbbbut they are waiting to see what's COD and BF release dates before announcing Halo's
  2. But DynamiteCop told us Halo Infinite SP footage was going to be shown today
  3. How long is this train wreck of a show supposed to be?
  4. Thank you Saucer came out of left field with that BS.
  5. Cooke it's more than a year and a half into this and I you're still spouting this nonsense? 🤔 The best current option is the vaccine point blank. More people vaccinated more business open, more revenues come in.
  6. Until something is developed to kill it,this is the best option. Like TB said, if everyone gets the Vax things would be back to normal. Hence the mandates.
  7. Places with low vaccination rates Texas, Florida etc
  8. I guess you missed where hospitals are overrun by unvaxxed covid patients.
  9. You're literally arguing against yourself. Hotsauce used your exact words from when Trump pulled out of Syria.
  10. Annnnd it's approved. Let's watch the goalposts move once again for the antivaxx crowd.
  11. And I think what slow Jonny and DynamiteCop is missing is Halo is the one ultra mass market IP that MS has (yes they have all these studios but Halo is the most mass market IP they own)..... The die hard Xbox fans will get this regardless of what it is or what's missing etc, but it's the causal fan who was waiting now 6 plus years for this game.... Now they have to wait even longer. Yea it's a 3 month wait (unless it's delayed further)... But what if SP turns out to be mediocre? People who are waiting for co-op might just decide not to purchase anymore. T
  12. Context is key. The issue with the co-op delay is that they had an extra year plus to work out the issues. Remember Infinite was supposed to be Series X cross gen launch title and MS supposedly had learned from all the mistakes it made with Xbox1 and they weren't going to repeat that. Then BAM... They repeat the same shit and fumble the launch of Halo. Then a whole fucking year later Co-op still isn't ready? So does that mean Halo was never really a launch title and they were just blowing smoke up lemmings ass all this time?
  13. People are expressing disappointment with this Halo news and Look at how mad that makes you
  14. Couldn't keep up that grown and resonable act any longer huh? Lol
  15. Exactly. I'm just thankful it weakened and changed course because my area was intially supposed to be the first area hit when it reached landfall.
  16. Again that's not how it works Twinblade. It's not called hype that's called being prepared for the path that the storm was initially taking plus it was a category 1 hurricane. If the it had not weakened last night and changed course. The devastation in your area would have been much much worse. Be thankful it did, instead of trying to spin it as hype or some nonsense.
  17. That's not what happened. Was intially supposed to hit landfall in long Island NY as a Category 1 and was a cetegory 1 up until late last night. It died down a bit a diverted it's course just before it hit land. It's course diversion led it pass long island and I believe it hit landfall in rode Island. With that said even though it weakened and changed cource thousands lost power in rode Island and other areas and tons of places got flooded out.
  18. So after being wrong about the Job numbers and now unemployment for months on end...you then wanted to Switch to Afghanistan.... But when it was pointed out you did a total 180 on that issue.... You dropped that in a heart beat and went straight to hyperbole
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