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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. No.... all of the skills and attacks aren't independent of movement. What you're discribing is auto attack(which is the most basic of basic attack) , which different from skills, combos and regular attacks.
  2. Let me expound a little bit more. The open world , jumping while exploring and vast verticality of the world are all staples of Xenoblade and these things are new to the tales series with Arise. I did not say the combat is the same I said it looks similar. Xenoblade X and 2 had a greater focus on combos than the original. Obviously how you achieve these combos will differ from Arise as in tales you combo through button... conversely in Xenoblade X and 2 you combo through commands..
  3. If the distribution partnership wasn't factored in the game would have been profitable at 2 - 3 million sold (guesstimate) and the developers would have gotten royalties. Which was Ike's point, which is something that you, Cooke and DynamiteCop apparently missed. the company had no firm data for copies sold: "We don't have any sales figures for Outriders"
  4. No, did you read it. "according to the Publisher, the revenues from the sale of the game are lower than the total costs of its production (including Quality Assurance), distribution and promotion." Wojciechowski also suggests that a lack of profitability could be caused by the publisher, including distribution partnerships (the game was launched into Xbox Game Pass, for example)...
  5. The areas and the combat looks similar to Xenoblade X. Arise looks like it will be baller though.
  6. I remember the days when people on this very board were claiming Biden to be a war hawk and he would keep us in endless wars
  7. It's the same results on the US charts which are dominated by Switch and PlayStation ganes.... And the US charts includes digital Xbox data... And yet Xbox games still don't chart
  8. The game is doing pretty good out in the west too, #22 on the chart in the US after only a few days on the market. Hope this means more PW games from Capcom
  9. Don't forget Phil's claims that GP increases game sales and we told the lemmings that the opposite would happen but they were convinced otherwise
  10. Like I said that shows your delusions... You just told me that people like me were banning you for no reason.... Then you turn around and admit that I never banned you... I already explained to you why we kept you around.. To be the punching bag that you are. Trust me I had more than enough grounds but we let it slide a bit because you played the punching bag role all to well. But then you eventually took that to mean that your behavior was acceptable and you got out of control with your racist shit. GD actually permed you for good, but then
  11. See this is where your delusions set in... I never banned you, yet you're saying it's mods like me who banned you.. Lmfao Keep telling yourself that all these different forums that do not even intersect with each other, has different forum cultures, different rules etc.. Someway somehow have it out for you 😂🤣 It can't possibly be that you're doing something to earn these bans all over the internet....nah that can't be it right.
  12. When I was I mod I never banned your dumb ass. I kept you around to be the forum punching bag and you played that role to perfection I do not care if you care or not about being banned. Your feelings are irrelevant to the point. Every forum under the sun is banning you for the samething.... Yet you think the all the various forums are the issue instead of you realizing the issue is within yourself. Stay banned, stay triggered and stay losing
  13. Run away? Don't flatter yourself. It's Sunday you think imma spend all weekend on SW with your loser ass.. Lmfao 2nd of all... Let's be real here. You've been posting on this site for a few years and have been banned multiple times for being a racist piece of shit. You've also been banned from numerous other forums for Samething. You have already shown who you are as a person over and over again. The proof is in the pudding.
  14. Arent you looking for to Yet another Forza game this year... What's that 9th or 10th game in like 11 years or something so?
  15. You're confused... So Let me reiterate, incase you missed it. I am not going back and forth with you about about your racism. The time for that has passed. You have already proven who you are over the years and as others on other messages boards have realized as well.... Hence you being banned from everywhere 😂🤣
  16. What you thought I was going to go back and forth with you about the racist shit you say? You've been banned from almost every gaming forum on the internet... For the same type racist posts... Nothing to argue here bud
  17. And he doubles down on his racist Jew post that got him permed from Gaf.... Yiiiikes
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