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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Your girl had trains ran on her in front of you, tag teamed in front in you and everything else in between. Who would want that?
  2. Where is your dumbass getting that from?
  3. Uh huh, after your dumbass denied for months that spoilers exist... Until RFK jr started embracing it
  4. So Kennedy is a spoiler like we been saying, no chance to win but spoiling the race for one or the other candidate
  5. Back down to 81 on meta and still 6 on GS
  6. Is that for Kentucky? If so, for context. "Biden received far fewer "uncommitted" votes on Tuesday than Barack Obama did in 2012, where the then incumbent president saw 42 percent of the votes go against him in the state's primary.
  7. You have to excuse him. He's not the sharpest tool in the box. They call him sloooooow Jonny for a reason.
  8. The PC market has multiple store fronts, multiple manufacturers and multiple GPUs etc. The PC Market has more variation than the Console market and yet with two major players declining (Nintendo and Xbox) the console market is about 13 billion bigger than the PC Market. The console market will be back to booming in 2025 with Switch 2 and PS5 pro driving growth. Plus all the heavy hitters will be hitting in 2025 with GTA6, Switch 2 launch games and Holiday games etc.
  9. Console gaming stayed flat with Switch in year 8 declining and Xbox in a free fall off the cliff. PS5 gains kept the console market flat. Next year with Switch 2 launch expect to see console market grow again compared to 23 and 24. Even with Switch on its last leg and Xbox falling off the cliff the console market is bigger than the PC market. Claiming the PC market is dying is just as silly as claiming the console market is dying.
  10. So post the source, why you always create threads without sources man? Lol
  11. Deflecting from the 6.0-blade already? Damn that game was forgotten quickly
  12. Oh now it doesn't matter? Metacritic score doesn't finalize day of release genius... Reviews just started popping up a few hrs ago. Hope you enjoy the day watching the score go down further
  13. Teh conspiracy Those averages you posted are already dropping. PC gamer gave it a 5...lol
  14. Stella Blade has twice the number of Reviews... Hellblade Meta isn't going up, as more reviews come in, it will go down
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