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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. First of all I wasn't even quoting you 😅 You responded to me quoting DynamiteCop with a quote of him saying it could be next gen only. ARE you guys one in the same? Fucking clown ass
  2. Yes you're still wrong. It couldn't be next gen only based on what has been shown, but you lemmings were so impressed by the showing you were looking for reasons why it was next gen only.
  3. I posted this because Florida is breaking last years numbers this year. Wasnt even looking at boarder states vs Non boarder states. But since you want to go there, the hospitalizations are over 99% unvaxxed people and guess which states are leading that unvaxxed charge? Oh yea republican lead states that have low vaccinatiom rates and the majority of those aren't boarder states. So what now? Those states can't use the illegal immigrants boogie man as an excuse for their increasing numbers. So you really think that someway somehow the unvaxx
  4. Glad you finally accepted this reality.. Took you long enough
  5. Halo is last gen like last of us 2 confirmed
  6. Florida now breaks their hospitalization record. The number of people hospitalized for COVID-19 in Florida rose to an all-time high of 11,515 patients in one day, according to data the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released Tuesday. The data is used by the Florida Hospital Association to track admissions and staffing shortages. The figures also show 2,400 of those patients are in ICU beds. The previous day, the data showed there were 10,389 COVID-hospitalizations in the state. The new number breaks a previous record for current
  7. You mean like building the wall and having mexico pay for it, repealing Obama care, or how about Trump's health care plan what ever happened to that? or how about getting something done with infustructure? Trump had 4 years and met non of his campaign promises. Biden doubled his campaign vaccine goal in less than 100 days, the infastructure bill is on its way to passing (Trump couldn't even move the needle in 4 years on getting something to the floor), and we're currently withdrawing us from Afghanistan (Trump promised and never got done in 4 years)..... Just s
  8. Florida reported 21,683 new cases of COVID-19, the state’s highest one-day total since the start of the pandemic, according to federal health data released Saturday, as its theme park resorts again started asking visitors to wear masks indoors. The state has become the new national epicenter for the virus, accounting for around a fifth of all new cases in the U.S. as the highly contagious delta variant of the coronavirus continues to spread. Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has resisted mandatory mask mandates and vaccine requirements, and along with the state Legis
  9. Fruit destructabiliy is too much for Series X and PC
  10. You don't have a life or interests outside of work? Travel, relax, go do some activies etc? I used to do what you described when I was younger work all the time and take 0 time off. Not anymore, I maximize whatever time off I have to the fullest.
  11. Of course, his point is even with that the game is still bombing on MC.
  12. "Stop the steal" Oh wait "count the votes" Oh wait "Stop the steal" ............................... "if Trump loses we won't even be mad, we're not unhinged" Oh wait Jan 6th happens ......................... "Blue Lives Matter" Oh wait. brutally attack officers and Storm the capitol. ........................... Right wing politicians and Media personalities stand by their anti-vax mantra Oh wait They and their families all got
  13. So games that were never on other systems before when they get an old port it counts as a new game now?
  14. ASS-scent one of the best games on PC he said, GOTY contender he said
  15. You literally said you listed the BEST games on PC this year. THE BEST GAMES.
  16. You said it wss an upcoming BEST game and an upcoming GOTY contender Now I see why you're scared to answer a simple question ITT
  17. Both you and Bodycount got owned... Difference is Bodycount didn't lie about it
  18. Too early to choose GOTY because the ASS-cent wasn't out yet... then in a totally separate thread you listed it as upcoming BEST game on PC (again separately from your what you will be playing post in a different thread).... That's two separate instances of you referring to it as a AAA caliber game
  19. The what you were playing is a different post in a different thread clown 🤡. You listed the ASS-cent two additional times... As an upcoming best game on PC and as a potential GOTY candidate. both those posts are in different threads addressing different things from the thread where you listed what you would be playing. Caught in your web of lies
  20. Upcoming games that are potential GOTY candidates. YOU OWNED YOURSELF when you said it's too early to choose GOTY because the ASS-cent is coming too. Lying-J can't keep up with his lies 🤥 😂🤣
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