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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 12 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    Switch 2 :wow2:


    Super Nintendo Switch :dame:



    Updated info*



    "Another VGC source claimed that Nintendo showcased Epic’s impressive The Matrix Awakens Unreal Engine 5 tech demo – originally released to showcase the power of PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X in 2021 – running on target specs for its next console.

    The demo is said to have been running using Nvidia’s DLSS upscaling technology, with advanced ray tracing enabled and visuals comparable to Sony and Microsoft’s current-gen consoles."


    Comparable =/= on par with neither does it mean more powerful than. 


    Simple means powerful enough to get current gen ports, downscaled of course. 





  2. 1 hour ago, JonDnD said:

    Had to log in to check in on me. Im more important than your cow of a wife 😂 Counting my posts like a scale counts your wifes pounds :rofls:


    Lost your family over Xbox only for Xbox to abandon you too.   That's rough. 


    Hey at least you have your SW family and you spent alot of quality time with them this past holiday weekend:kaz:

  3. 20 hours ago, Mr. House said:



    He sort of has a point. Bethesda RPG are the ultimate escapism fantasy. That's the whole point of their game existence, it's true role play in the truest sense of the word. You don't want to me reminded of real life modern politics in your fictional setting. Granted I don't know much about Starfield universe but it would feel very out of place in Elderscrolls or Fallout.


    But then again, I had a LGBTQ flag in Fallout 76 for the longest time. The LGBT flags are free and automatically equip if you get them. Lmao. That sure as fuck didn't stop me from playing but I understand not wanting that immersion breaking shit in your games. It has no place in it. 


    Before I even came into this thread I knew you would have held this dumb ass position :kaz:

    • dead 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    Its my thread of course i have the most posts. Idiot.


    Spazz out some more tho :rofls:


    Logged on real quick only to see 37 posts by slow Jonny and counting.... Spending your labor day weekend in SW getting owned :kaz:


    By the time I come back on the boards Tues you'll have hundreds of posts between all the Starfield floppage threads :jonb:



    Enjoy spending your weekend on SW :juggle:

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