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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. You're correct and Lakers was literally the first loser on the suns finals run... which for some odd reason you still are salty about
  2. So all this time you weren't hyping games on Xbox but instead was hyping the newly acquired teams releasing timed exclusives on PS5? So you when you told cows "prepare their anus" it was for them to receive games from MS new studious while Xbox is in a drought?
  3. Yes your mountains of salt from your months long crusade to discredit them because an injured suns body slammed an injured Lakers which ended up making the Lakers loss look even worse because other injured teams won series
  4. FH5 isn't new studio Psychonauts 2 is Multi Isn't Ghost wire a PS5 game? Isn't Deathloop a PS5 game too? We're talking about AAA games from the New studious for Xbox bro..... that's what you were blabbing about from the mountain tops.
  5. What AAA games are coming this year from the studios they acquired?
  6. Oh you're not arguing for the Lakers anymore and have finally resigned to the fact that they got curb stomped.... good to know... took you long enough
  7. Your own words betray you. " There's 26 freaking Studios, they're not all on the same cycle to where it's like oh we have nothing now but we'll all have games in 2023. That's some of the dumbest crap I've ever heard."
  8. You seem to think I'm arguing for the Suns 😂🤣😂🤣 I literally just said ". Suns made it to the finals, bucks won.... the end " Suns chocked away a 2-0 lead and Lakers got stomped out in round 1. unlike you I'm not making excuses for any team. You been making excuses for Lakers rolling over and getting fucks for months now. That Lakers butt fucking looks even worse when you see a bunch of other teams with injuries fight tooth and nail and don't give up. Lakers laid down like a 2 dollar hooker and spread it open.... get over it alread
  9. Monster Hunter Rise alone is better than anything on Xbox so far this year
  10. and right here is where your argument falls apart Lakers lost to an injured team in spectacular blow out fashion..Other inured teams made it out round 1, Other injured teams came back from being down 2- 0 and beat teams, other injured teams pushed to game 7 and were 0.5 inches away from moving on, other injured teams were two free throws away from the finals... Lakers were non of that, they showed ZERO fight and just rolled over and let the suns fuck them in the ass to ths tune of biggest playoff blowout loss in franchise history 😂🤣 and months later
  11. You don't understand your own words? " There's 26 freaking Studios, they're not all on the same cycle to where it's like oh we have nothing now but we'll all have games in 2023. That's some of the dumbest crap I've ever heard." what's even more hilarious is that's exactly what happened, MS new studious had nothing ready for launch or 2021 and everything will be late 2022 or later
  12. Just because I didn't make excuses for Suns playoff victories mean I bought into the hype? lmfao. You're still salty from Lakers losing round 1 and from your epic self ownage in this thread where you were trying sooo hard to make Lakers loss look better by discrediting the entire playoffs that you inadvertently proved my point in an epic self ownage flame out.... you did a 360 reverse slam to win the game.... in your own basket So now that your intial attempt to discredit the entire playoffs has failed failed in spectacular fashion you're reverting to an atte
  13. That doesn't make Lakers 1st round curb stomping look any better. Both Teams were injured and Lakers got butt fucked If the lakers had beat the Suns... they would have faced the same injured teams the suns faced.... we wouldn't have heard a peep from you about that.
  14. Man you're still salty about that first round exit....jeezus
  15. I wouldn't say the most fun ever but it was a fun playoffs.
  16. Suns choke away a 2-0 in the finals to lose 4 straight. CP3
  17. So to be clear, you're saying you never said the new studious would be pumping out AAAs year 1 of series X and we would be bombarded with games? Just clarifying before you start backtracking.
  18. "Cows prepare your anus" You know what's absolutely stunning about you. You say such ridiculous shit that when some time passes you deny ever saying that dumb shit because in hindsight it sounds dumb as fuck even to you. Either that or you have the memory of a gnat.
  19. let's not pretend that the onslaught of next gen games from launch that you were blabbing about for the last year and a half leading up to pre-launch included an 8 month launch drought, old ports and indies. You were shouting from the mountain tops that the new studios would be pumping out block buster AAA games from launch through year 1. Now look at you...
  20. and that doesn't change what I said regarding from launch through today does it? When the situation changes then you can talk... but from launch through now has been barren. The Ascent is another indie game... which again is not a knock against indies... those games are good too. But let's not pretend that the onslaught of next gen games from launch that you were blabbing about for the last year and a half pre-launch included an 8 month launch drought, old ports and indies. You were shouting from the mountain tops t
  21. Context matters... Im not knocking the game, knocking the system. If Switch had nothing (no new gen games) between launch of a brand new system and 8 months in besides an indie game then you would have a point. Xbox hasn't had anything since launch through now.... so my comment still stands
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