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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Once again... We're talking about HOSPITALIZATIONS. Anyone can transmit it. The vaccine is so that you will have little to no symptoms. Did you just say there's a higher chance of the vaccine killing you than the Delta variant? 😂🤣😂🤣 Like I said earlier, once it continues to mutate and you clowns keep spreading ir amongst yourselfs, natural selection will take care of you idiots.
  2. Yes that's why I said it's a great device for enthusiasts.
  3. I only posted ONE example of Twinblade's and others critique.... they had more. But look at you trying to hand wave away the majority of the criticism to try to make the narrative that sheep are somehow scared of steam deck..... you're further proving my point that you are desperate to paint that picture and drive that false narrative 😂🤣
  4. Topic wasn't created by a sheep, Majority of the criticism on this board weren't from sheep, no one is threaten by steam deck. It's machine for enthusiasts (that's not a knock, because that's what it is.... literally) it's not even going to be a blip on the radar to any of the big 3 console manufacturers. Don't know why you two desperately want sheep to be worried about steam deck.... lol
  5. Look at all these "sheep" hating on the steam deck. Lmfao.
  6. Who are these "sheep" you're referring too who had those critiques? The majority of the criticism in this thread are from non sheep. Saucer, Twinblade, GD, Gelita and Hotsauce? ..... hint hint non of those are sheep lol Or is you so simple minded you think if someone is critical of this they must be a sheep?
  7. I'm talking about the end result, both vaxxed and unvaxxed can spread it but it's the unvaxxed who are surging in hospitalizations, hence me saying natural selection will take care you clowns 🤡
  8. Nah... you guys just keep spreading it amongst yourselfs until it mutates even further and natural selection takes care of you clowns.
  9. Quote myself again and highlight the points you're missing. States with loose Covid restrictions and low vaccination rates are having a surge with overloaded hospitals once again. That's the point.... "The spike isn't happening simply because it's a red state, the virus itself isn't political. The spike is happening because of the loose restrictions + low vaccination rates in those states." There are red states that did not have loose restrictions and they're not seeing spikes. It's like you two see red and blue and miss the
  10. States with loose Covid restrictions and low vaccination rates are having a surge with overloaded hospitals once again. That's the point.... Those states so happen to be red states because those red states chose to loosen the restrictions. The spike isn't happening simply because it's a red state, the virus itself isn't political. The spike is happening because of the loose restrictions + low vaccination rates in those states. There are red states that did not have loose restrictions and they're not seeing spikes.
  11. This is the road im going incase you missed it - "places with lower vaccination rates and looser restrictions.."
  12. and what about places with lower vaccination rates and looser restrictions...... oh yea they're having a surge to the point that hospitals in those areas are overrun once again. Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations rise, particularly in unvaccinated red states now we’re seeing an uptick in U.S. coronavirus cases and hospitalizations — coming primarily from red states, where vaccination rates are well below the national average. “Arkansas has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country, with less than 35 percent of adults having been fully vaccinated. Now
  13. running scared 😂🤣 bbbbut we can't give you a date as yet we're scared we get overshadowed
  14. Who said release it on the same dates as COD or Battlefield? lmfao and dumbocop talking about SW mentality.... waaaay off base as usual. Hey dumb and dumber. Im saying COD and Battlefield in the past when Halo was Halo would steer clear of Halo's date...they would be the one's waiting to get Halo's date before they announce/decide theirs. Now it's reversed, Halo is the game that's waiting to see other games dates before announcing theirs. The pecking order has changed.
  15. If your game is bigger you're the one who make other games wait to not release their games on that date. Halo is now the game that's trying not to release with other big games.... oh how the mighty has fallen.
  16. They're scared to put Halo against other games on other systems... lol
  17. Twinblade isn't a sheep. No one is shook by steam deck.
  18. It's going to be good for enthusiasts but no one else.
  19. Guess you also missed this part. "Nintendo Switch was the best-selling hardware platform during 2021's first half in both dollar and unit sales." Lemmings
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