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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Trump was President for 48 months , Biden has only been President for a few months and even with that, Biden has so far done more for the middle class than Trump. Twinblade, please tell us what Trunp did for the middle class in 48 months. Not just empty speaking points, but actually Policies and Bills that passed. Go
  2. Ikr how dare you like an actual AAA exclusive game. You're supposed to fawn over 30 year old ports that now have wide-screen, begging and waiting for old consoles ports. Get with the program GD... how dare you like brand new non port games... yuck.
  3. Capcom couldn't even bother putting in any work on the PC version..... Plan B gaming indeed
  4. That's still one "game" collection as one release.
  5. That's wasn't an opinion, he did it in a professional capacity. "communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump's failed effort at reelection in 2020" Lmfao Twinblade Lmfao.
  6. There's no games on PC this year that aren't plan B games. You can't care about what doesn't exist.
  7. Pretty sure the first things I pointed out that Rise was the best game so far this year. Sales only came up because you think people actually cared about emulation plan B gaming on PC..... No one cared.... hence the Switch version became a global hit So far in this thread. LemiJ doesn't care; 1) That Xbox hasn't had any standout games this year. 2) PC also hasn't had any either. 3) Doesn't care about exclusive content. 4) Doesn't care that he is playing old ports. 5) Doesn't care that he has to resort to emul
  8. No one cares about emulation on PC that's why Rise still sold gangbusters worldwide You still can't list any PC only defining games... lmfao.... You don't have any so you're forced to go to plan B and emulate..... Plan B gaming
  9. Late 2022 enjoy the wait Rise has been the biggest game this year globally..... emulation didn't do shit to stop that
  10. Remij - "bbbbut emulation will save PC" Still no defining game on PC for 2021
  11. Rise isn't coming to PC until late 2022... we're currently in 2021 dufus Just like I thought those PC only defining games don't exist.... ports and multiplats.... the beggars life
  12. He is seething mad that Ratchet is currently the best looking game ever and that PC has less defining game than both Switch and PS5
  13. Quote me where I posted either of those two games? I posted brand new Switch only games for 2021.....Can you do the same for PC?
  14. Yes Remij we all saw that Plan B list of old ports, the entire thread is still laughing at it
  15. Who said anything about naming a GOTY title right now? lmfao. It's a simple question about what has the best game on PC been so far this year? How hard is it for you to answer a simple question? The best game right now doesn't mean it will be GOTY... its simply the best game available on the system this year at this point. You two Plan B gaming clowns are struggling mightily to answer a fairly simple question
  16. Bbbbut emulation will save Plan B gaming You literally listed all. old ports... not one new stand out game on PC
  17. I inky listed brand new games exclusively on Switch.... meanwhile you listed old ass ports on your (P)ort (C) entral system
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