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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. and yet you can't name even a single defining game released on PC so far this year 😂🤣 All the games you listed are old ports and multiplats.... Plan B gaming
  2. he literally made a thread recently boasting about a Super Nintendo emu that plays games in wide-screen. Yes... the super Nintendo from 30 years ago
  3. Old ports are PC's best games so far this year? Plan B gaming indeed
  4. 95 to 99% of those games you listed are found on other every system including Switch as well (Ys, MHS, GAA etc) ... even the PC "exclusive" indies are available on almost every system. Plan B gaming indeed
  5. Yet it's sooo hard for you two clowns to answer a simple question. What has been the best game on PC SO FAR this year?
  6. There are no PC games for you to give a shit about in the first place.... you wish there was something for you to give a shit about... Plan B gaming
  7. You couldn't give a shit even if you wanted to because you don't have any non Plan B games to give a shit about.
  8. Let's pretend for a second that this is true. Even if that's the case it doesn't make up for NOTHING, ZIP, Ziltch for an entire year.
  9. Hey at least you're finally being honest.... the hermits have been owned
  10. Look at this shit of Plan B games... Only system with a worse 2021 than PC is Xbox.
  11. It's the best game so far this year.... Didn't say it will be the best game when the year is done What's the best game on PC so far this year?
  12. I mean aren't you fully vaccinated? Maybe they aren't Vaxed so they give a crap about potentially catching Covid19.
  13. Monster Hunter Rise Biggest game of the year so far on any platform. Now it's time for you to go sit your Plan B gaming ass down to beg and pray for more ports
  14. I mean there is literally NOTHING to care about game wise so far this year for Xbox... so you're actually right for once. So what about PC, what's the game of the year so far on the beggar box?
  15. It may not or it may.... They have this weird history of releasing a powerful revision at the tail end of a system's life cycle. DSi and New 3DS comes to mind.... both were almost to the end of those systems life cycle and before those they had multiple revisions of the DS and 3DS that were based off the original internals. So moral of the story is they will continue to March to the beat of their own drum.
  16. Not sure yet but making a trip within the US first and then next trip in Aug or later will be international.
  17. Imagine if he created a super Seducer game series and convinced betas that purchasing and playing his game would help them get girls.... that would be super cringe Amirite?
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