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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Exactly one year ago to the month on Jun 10, 2020 "Joe Biden Declares Definitively, "I Do Not Support Defunding Police" Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden definitively declared “I do not support defunding police,” in an op-ed Wednesday, Even as a candidate Biden supported funding the Police. Another republican lie debunked
  2. After the Bill passed, republicans tried to take credit for it because the public loved the bill and the relief it brought to businesses, families and state governments. Yes, those same Republicans that voted no for it tried to take credit for it 😂🤣😂🤣 What's even more ironic is not one state rejected the money. The Republican run states who's representatives called it "free handouts" accepted every single penny. Unlike Trump who played politics with the relief money, by withholding money from "blue states" because they have a democratic governor..... wh
  3. Didn't you have a heart attack when you were playing Gears 5 and an NPC said "fascist" and you immediately ran to the internet in tears?
  4. Nah that lemmings who peddled BS that the medium was a good game... turns out it's Trash.
  5. Luckily your president signed a bill that included funds the police to the tune of 350 Billion Dollars.... a bill funded the police that zero Republicans voted for. Thanks President Biden for funding the police
  6. It matters because discrimination against minorities is real and was so prevalent through out the system to the point that laws had to be created.
  7. AA was created to combat real discrimination. You think it was created for no reason? lmfao.
  8. Equality feels like discrimination to you... we get it.
  9. DynamiteCop is worst that Cooke... he agrees with that shit plus more.
  10. These games will be released by 2020 - delusional lemmings.
  11. So on one hand you're saying discrimination is not an issue anymore because the laws have changed..... and then you turn around and complain about discrimination that you feel you're getting.... despite the laws that are in place. Which shows that you understand that despite the laws discrimination can still happen and does.... But the you also turn around and say minorities that have been discrimination against for decades upon decades are no longer actually discriminated against because of the Laws... despite you yourself just complaining about you
  12. Now imagine if this was what you were born into, your ancestors experienced this, your parents lived it and now you are living it. Look at how enraged you are for over perceived discrimination against you. How would you have survived actual discrimination?
  13. I don't agree with praising someone for being fat, but Fat people shouldn't be excluded from TV shows, ads etc simply because they're fat. and for Cocke who is a gay man to push for excluding fat people because they're gross is one of the most ironic things ever. People fought for gay people to be accepted and treated equally and now he is downplaying the same fight of minorities.
  14. I'll ask you again, why weren't you complaining when this happened (and still is happening) to minorities for decades?
  15. You were just saying it doesn't exist anymore because you were born 24 years after it ended 😕 Now you're saying we need to figure out why minorities are discriminated against? lmfao But you just proved my point... the reason there is an equality movement is because of the discrimination that exist against minorities.
  16. But just a few pages ago you said it doesn't happen. So now your argument is we should be figuring out WHY discrimination exists in the first place? That sounds like the people who are doing the discrimination needs to take personal responsibility for their discrimination and work on treating other better. You look like a big personal responsibility guy... Amirite? lol
  17. You say it's not an issue anymore and then you turn around and do the samething that you say doesn't exist 😂🤣 Your lack of self awareness is astounding as always.
  18. That's how it SHOULD WORK but that's not now it actually works in real life. Hence why things had to be put in place because people and institutions weren't actually treating everyone equally.
  19. AA was created because of intentional discrimination 🤔
  20. You're still not addressing racism and or discrimination. How is the the person who is being discriminated against personal responsibility for being treated that way by someone else?
  21. WTF kind of post is this? We're talking about racism and discrimination. Nothing you said there applies to that except that you're showing how dense you are. People are fighting for equal treatment. Nothing you just said has anything to do with that.
  22. and you're basing this on you living your entire life being discriminated against? Or is it that because you don't see it with your own eyes or because you haven't lived it... that means it doesn't exist?
  23. That problem still exists to this day hence the entire equality movement. People fought for decades to get equal rights. Now the people are fighting to be treated equally. Those are two different things. You're complaining that people want to be treated as equals and that feels like discrimination to you. So imagine what real discrimination feells like... when you're treated as less than your entire life.
  24. again.... just like Cooke You said all that and dodged my question. Why weren't you complaining before when other races where being overlooked even when they were just as qualified or more qualified simply for being a different race.
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