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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. and you're basing this on you living your entire life being discriminated against? Or is it that because you don't see it with your own eyes or because you haven't lived it... that means it doesn't exist?
  2. That problem still exists to this day hence the entire equality movement. People fought for decades to get equal rights. Now the people are fighting to be treated equally. Those are two different things. You're complaining that people want to be treated as equals and that feels like discrimination to you. So imagine what real discrimination feells like... when you're treated as less than your entire life.
  3. again.... just like Cooke You said all that and dodged my question. Why weren't you complaining before when other races where being overlooked even when they were just as qualified or more qualified simply for being a different race.
  4. You said all that and dodged my question. Why weren't you complaining before when other races (minorities) were being overlooked even when they were just as qualified or more qualified simply for being a different race.
  5. Unfortunately we don't live in an ideal world and as JonB of all people pointed out, you guys did not complain not one bit when other races (minorities) were being looked and passed over even when they were just as qualified as or more qualified for a position/job. But now that's there is a "push" for diversity all of a sudden its an issue for you 🙄
  6. Here are some facts. 1) As of June 3rd 2021 the Jobs numbers are the highest they've been since the pandemic started. 2) 350 billion to fund the police (already passed)... Trump didn't do this in 4 years. 3) Infrastructure bill is actually moving... Trump couldn't even get the needle to budge in 4 years. 5) Under Biden the stock Market was the highest it's even been in 75 years.... higher than any number Trump hit in 4 years. 6) Vaccination was over 2X faster than Biden initially forecasted. Which mind you with his intial foreca
  7. and let's not forget the American rescue plan that already passed and included 350 billion dollars to fund the police across the country...... thank you President Biden Oh let's not forget that Zero Republicans voted for this plan.... but then they turn around and not only want to take credit for the plan, but also claim that Biden wants to Defund the police..... and there base eats this shit up 😂🤣 Chris Wallace is probably the only real news anchor left at fox.
  8. "when telescopes look at the light from distant galaxies, they are not literally looking back in time. The past no longer exists, so no one can directly look at it. Instead, the telescopes are looking at the present-time pattern of a beam of light." Owned by your own link 😂🤣
  9. He clearly said most Mexican immigrants are rapists. You're trying to spin that to say he was talking about MS13. What really blows up your entire argument is at the end he says "I assume some are good people".....if he was talking about MS13 your're saying he said some MS13 gang members are good people? lmfao.
  10. That 180 spin. You went from saying he he never said it.. to now saying his statement is true 😂🤣 It's true that the majority of Mexican immigrants are rapists?
  11. No you can't control what time period you see.. that's what you're not getting. You're not seeing in the past, the past no longer exists. You're seeing light as it travels through space. speaking of moving goal posts... You moved the goal post from saying you can time travel by looking through a telescope 🔭. ... 😂🤣 Then you backtracked and said "it doesn't matter"
  12. “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
  13. What if the light already traveled past where you're at, what if there was something reflecting it, some refraction, something impeding the light? I suggest you AT LEAST read the full article you yourself posted, because you don't have a working understanding of this at all.
  14. He was talking about Mexican immigrants being rapists.... im sure you remember. This is when he told you clowns that Mexico would pay for the wall and you believed it 😂🤣
  15. Moving pictures are called videos you can do that with a full 3D video recording. Is that considered time travel 🤡
  16. The article explained to you in plain terms that you're not looking at the past as the past doesn't exist anymore. Using your dumbass logic everytime you look at an old picture you time travel because "you're looking at the past"
  17. I am convinced you don't read past the headline, the first few sentences in your link says it all. Strictly speaking, when telescopes look at the light from distant galaxies, they are not literally looking back in time. The past no longer exists, so no one can directly look at it. Instead, the telescopes are looking at the present-time pattern of a beam of light. Learn to read peasant.
  18. You're literally talking in circles 😂🤣 First you claimed everything was down because of Biden and now that I point out that every is actually up.... now you're saying yea it is up............ but thanks to Trump? lmfao. The Jobs numbers are the best they have been since the pandemic hit. The stock market is the highest its been in 75 years. The infrastructure bill which Trunp couldn't even get started on in 4 years entire years will create more high paying jobs for the next several decades. Biden got that ball rolling in only 6 mo
  19. Did you actually read the original package? This package has exactly the same things in it... difference is the amount of money is less than Biden originally wanted. Republicans had an issue with the amount of money and they didn't realize that broadband, power grids etc are also a part of infrastructure.
  20. When I leave home it's 7am when I get to work its 8am...... I traveled to the future
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