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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Awww but you are catty, you get Ike that everytime you get called out on your BS... meow 😂🤣
  2. He is right though.... they say "All Platforms" and don't include Xbox.
  3. 1) Let's check the stock market...... oh best returns in over 75 years. "The US stock market has seen better returns in Joe Biden's first 100 days than under any president in the past 75 years" The US stock market has seen better returns in Joe Biden's first 100 days as president than it has under any other president in the past 75 years, according to data from JPMorgan. 2) Let's check the latest Jobs report as of June 4th 2021. "The U.S. economy added 559,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 5.8% -- the lowest, B
  4. Fox News of all places said it best. "Forging a deal on infrastructure has been very elusive in recent years. During the Trump administration, "infrastructure week" had become a long-running joke because every time the White House wanted to focus squarely on roads and bridges, former President Donald Trump appeared to derail the messaging with a newsy tweet or comment." The last administration was a joke and couldn't even get the conversation started. Biden got it this far in only 6 months time.... Trump couldn't even get the needle moving in 4 years.
  5. Played for a few minutes. Can't comment on the gameplay fully as yet as I did one battle so far. But the RE engine once again looks good on Switch.... the "in engine" cutscenes are excellent and it seems like the story so far is kind of like the "how to train your dragon" animated movie sequels.
  6. When he was running a drug ring in Belize and killed his neighbor, fled to Guatemala did an interview with Vice that got him caught and extradited back to the US in 2012... it would have been easy to kill him then.
  7. You hear that Cooke, keep leave your race bait at the door.
  8. OMG its true... these tweets are proof.... 🤣 He has been an eccentric bullshit artist all his life... all the crazy shit he has done in his life its amazing he actually lived to 75. If you followed his story and how he was... its not surprising he would rather kill himself than face the music at this age in his life. But don't let that stop you from your conspiracy theories....lol
  9. Way to prove his point genius. He wasn't even responding directly to your weak bait.... he was pointing your go to topics.... and you doubled down and did just that 😂🤣 This thread has nothing to do with race or racism .... yet you find some way to bring it up.. lol
  10. Bbbbbbut it's something else.... just think about it... just think... lol
  11. Oh shit... I have a US, Japan and UK account that's probably why. All versions are in English and the Switch is region free, so you can still download it.
  12. Now you're stretching even further to make a connection that's not there😂🤣 "bbbbut maybe he had some deep shit on people in power, if you ignore the fact that there is no connection but if you think about it hard enough you can make it true " ......
  13. Evade Taxes in America gets you assassinated..... makes sense right? Do these clowns hear themselves? 🤣
  14. don't backtrack... you claimed 360p docked... stick to it. Yes great, once it runs with a stable framerate and it's HD the general gaming public doesn't care about it being bleeding edge. A game can look and run great without being bleeding edge
  15. You seriously think the game will be 360p docked as your bait claimed 🤣 UE4 games on Switch look an run great. Yes you have begging options... beg now or beg later
  16. Your options are to emulate while you wait or beg for 12 years for a port 🤣 I'm getting this day 1
  17. OMG Teh Tyranny in Canada and teh rest of the globe enforced by Dr. Fauci on all countries across the globe... by Dr Fauci.... he enforced that on Canada himself.... that Tyrant 😂🤣 They themselves state its not peer reviewed for a reason. "Like all NBER papers, they are circulated for discussion and comment, and have not been peer-reviewed." They state it right there... only for discussion. Not vetted by anyone.. even themselves.. lol
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