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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Russia is not just going to take it? Take what? That Ukraine is defending itself in a war? How dare Ukraine, a sovereign fight against a hostile Russian invasion. You're confused, you're the one (along with retard Cooke) who were dumb enough to think Putin wanted peace, took you dumb cunts two years to realize this... Keep up chump.
  2. You're an admitted cuck, your girl is tripping over other men's dicks in front on you
  3. That's Ukraine fighting back against Russia for invading Ukraine. Russia is the aggressor who started this wars. The war already started... What Ukraine is doing now is fighting a war. Russia was the one who invaded a sovereign nation. It's really strange how you constantly twist into knots to spin a sovereign nation fighting back against an aggressor nation into Ukraine being the invaders and the aggressor.
  4. They convinced you that a train is a threesome, they also convinced you that you're the one doing the tag teaming while another man fucks you girl in front of you... Ghostz the cuck
  5. "they can't tag team my girl with one guy" Do you hear yourself cuck? You're actively calling for back up so other guys can tag team your girl in front of you Those guys really fooled your dumbass.. Lmfao.
  6. Luckily Fauci didn't subscribe to batshit nonsense that HIV doesn't cause AIDS that RFK jt still believes to this day... With zero facts or research.... He thinks its a fact because of his uninformed opinion. And through Faucis' work on the HIV and AIDs epidemic... someone catching HIV and or AIDS is no longer an immediate death sentence as it once was. Can you imagine if RFK Jr was president in the 80s....HIV and AIDS would be still rampant because of his dumbass pushing that HIV doesn't cause AIDS so why even research HIV treatment methods
  7. You don't care about Mother Russia anymore comrade? That's a first. Chnsged your mind about moving there?
  8. Wait did Ukraine invade Russia? It's telling that the Ukraine defending itself against an invasion is seen as a threat to Russia in your Kremlin eyes.
  9. This dumb ass is still bragging about another guy fucking his girl in front of him... You can't make this up You're a cuck for real, you mind is cucked, how those guys tricked you is cucked, everything about it cucked.
  10. Are you dense? Can you read and comprehend? RFK Jr is pulling shit out his ass and calling it facts dumbass. He is parading his uninformed opinion as facts. Your response that I highlighted explains why you see nothing wrong with that because you're doing the same shit. "I have no clue how it works, don't ask me to back it up, but it causes leaky Brain trust me it's True" So do you also believe that HIV doesn't doesn’t cause AIDS and that's a fact?
  11. Pulling shit out your ass and calling it a fact and then when questioned he can't explain how it causes leaky brain lmfao. Do you know how wifi works? What he is doing is akin to saying that Am and Fm radio signals give you leaky brain He also believes that HIV doesn't cause AIDS lmfao
  12. What does vaccines have to do with wifi? Lmfao. Are you suffering from "leaky wifi brain" too?
  13. You crush Putin doesn't want peace and keeps sending his people into the meat grinder. Over 355K Russian Soldiers dead or injured since invading Ukraine. He just expanded the mandatory military service age by an additional 3 years. You're a dumb cunt as always.
  14. Hey Genius that's me making fun what you said. You're the one who said you ctag teamed" your own girl and then you said that you also had MMF "threesomes" with her dumbass. They fooled you multiple times and multiple ways to fuck your girl in front of you
  15. Your clueless ass is back again. Putin already stated he is not interested in peace or a truce. He already stated his intentions... Remember he was supposed to complete this mission in a few days. Every week you dumbass clowns are saying Russia is going to win tomorrow.. Aren't you tired of being played for a fool?
  16. That not the insult you dipshit, the fact that they convinced you it was a threesome and tag teamed your girl while they were fucking her in front you.... That's the insult. But like I said, you have the mind of a cuck so you think the insult his GD saying Tyrone
  17. You missed the part where Trump also tried the fake elector scheme so that the electors that Biden won would be illegally discarded and replaced with the bogus one's for Trump. Or where he called Georgia and asked them to fabricate ballots so he could win the state. Those clowns that stormed the Capitol were all Canon fodder...doesn't matter that they weren't successful.. The point is these clowns thought they were literally going to stop the peaceful transfer of power and overthrow the government. To avoid this madness from happening again or worse.. s
  18. Wifi causes leaky brain "We have a woman who is allergic to wifi.... It degrades your microcondria" Joe is looking at him like "this guy is a fucking nut job" lmfao
  19. Leave it to Ghostz the cuck to think the insult was GD saying Tyrone and not the fact that your girl was getting fucked in front of you... You got cucked so bad IRL that you don't consider being called a cuck an insult.. "Bbbbbut the insult was Tyrone" no dipshit.. What Tyrone did to your girl in front of you was insulting
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