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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. I see reading is not your strong point.
  2. Series S is stronger than a Steam Deck genius and so is switch 2 based on these specs.
  3. I think we have to contextualize the above information. Yes, in handheld mode, the Switch 2 seems to be around the PS4 before DLSS in terms of raw GPU performance. However: Even in handheld mode, and even at lowish clocks, the ARM A78C cores run circles around the Jaguar cores in the PS4. The ~10 GB of LPDDR5 at 7500 MT/s available to developers is 50% more RAM than the PS4 while also being ~50 faster than the RAM in the PS4 The UFS 3.1 storage completely destroys the old mechanical HDD in the PS4 in terms of I/O. Even though the GPU in handheld mode may have a
  4. You're tripling down on the lies 🤥, take that up with whoever was arguing that MS made up the numbers. I never claimed MS made up the numbers because It didn't matter what the actual numbers were because GROWTH HAD STAGNATED. The KPI that MS was using to gauge the success of GP was Growth.
  5. Similar yes... but not the same business model. You can't compare EA play and unisoft + because they aren't playing hundreds of millions out the nose to put other developers games on their service like MS does with 3rd parties.
  6. Lying J 🤥... Never once did I say they inflated the numbers. That shit stagnanted... I was saying that since fall 2022. GamePass played a role as well... If GP growth has continued on the path it was on during the pandemic that would have given them the cushion they needed before the bangers arrive 4 - 5 years down the road.( 2024 - 2025) GP stagnated and they were forced to push out redfall and Starfield undercooked in an effort to inject some life into GP. Those games overall didn't move the needle enough and here we are today.
  7. EA and ubi services ONLY has their own games. GP has 3rd party games which MS has to pay out the nose per game for it to be on the service. It's a loss leader for a reason.
  8. Why must you always try to palm someone's else's argument on me when you have no actual point? ... Lol I never said they inflated the numbers... I said GROWTH had stagnated. Which surprise Surprise turned out to be true and surprise surprise now they have to cut back, go full multi-plat and change course.
  9. Lmfao Bbbbbut 50 million subs is enough I swearz . GP currently has almost 40 million subs and it's bleeding money. 50 million subs is not enough to recoup the billions upon billions upon billions MS invested in GP, Invested in purchasing huge studios, investing in paying 3rd party millions upon million per 3rd party game on GP etc. Stay delusional MS fans
  10. These clowns post real life shit. Like when slow Jonny back in the day kept posting that his wife and kid left him... But he didn't care because them leaving gave him more time and disposable income to play and buy Xbox games... "She took full custody Im not going to see me son" ... Good riddance he said. Now fast forward to 2024 and even Xbox abandoned him.... Poor slob
  11. He will still crush Trump in a debate because facts aren't on Trump's side..
  12. Right right.. So how come Trump lost the debate so badly he pulled out the last two? Facts aren't on your side as always dumbass.. Lol
  13. Uh huh, so RFK jr shouldn't have ran away from the DNC ticket then... Cuz his pussy ks still leaking
  14. You must be using the same wifi RFK jr used... The one he said gives people leaky brains
  15. Kennedy ran from the DNC primaries when he declared independent.... What a big pussy Now as a chickenshit independent he wants to debate the incumbent President? Lmfao. Tell him join the line to get curb stomped in the debate like how Trump got obliterated in the 2020 Presidential debate
  16. The real deadbeat dad slow Jonny defending the admitted cuck Ghostz
  17. Ghostz "I let another man fuck my girl with me in the room, he said that's a tag team and I believed him"
  18. This fool is admitting to being a cuck again. It's your girl that not his....you can't tag team your own gf dumbass.... That's another guy fucking her with you in the room you Cuck. Those guys fooled you so hard you still believe it... Lmfao.
  19. Your dumbass got tricked so bad that to this day you STILL you think MMF with your girl is a threesome.... NO DUMBASS THATS YOU GETTING CUCKED And letting 5 other guys fuck her with your there isn't swinging dipshit. That's them swinging their dicks in your face after fucking your girl in front of you.
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