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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 6 minutes ago, jehurey said:



    Oh no........






    Oh no....these people straight-up lied during their E3 presentation in June


    Those 4chan leaks from back in 2019 were 100% on the money.


    There is no real space movement in this game, those planets that you look at your window are just glorified splash screens before loading up a randomly generated level.


    Video is private

  2. 1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    Lol one of the saddest pieces of shit on Earth. I still don't get how Cruz keeps getting reelected. He sounds like a cartoon nerd, is hideous to look at, is painfully unfunny, does the worst tough guy impression, can't even smile properly and jumps on every internet fad cause. 


    lol motherfucker brought up Bud Light, and ceiling fans during this too. He's like a Veep character that Barbied himself into the real world. 


    He is aiming for his target audience of people like Cooke and Ramza... They eat this shit up and ask for more. 

  3. 1 hour ago, sugarhigh said:

    Actually Baldurs Gate off the top rope clobbered Zedla 14 and starflop in one hit.


    Both BDG3 and TOTK are siting on a 96 Meta :umad:


    TOTK has twice the number of reviews though... As more reviews come in BDG3's avg has slowly dipped. 


    Anyways the point of my orginal post wasn't TOTK vs BDG3. 


    The point was this year already had such high quality bangers that Starfield had a high bar to clear. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Tears of the Cows said:

    …not on the PS store. Which is the reason Diablo 4 is still full priced on the PS store. 


    On the digital stores like PSN the 3rd party Publisher decides the price. The publisher can put the game on sale at PSN at anytime. 


    At retail with physical it's up to the Best buy, Amazon, GameStop etc what price they sell it at.  They decide when to put it in sale. 


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