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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 6 minutes ago, -GD-X said:



    On 2023-08-28 at 10:51 AM, Tears of the Cows said:

    Lots on the way!


    Spider-Man 73

    wolverine (Spiderman clone)

    the last of us 3

    the last of us multiplayer

    god of war 692



    On 2023-08-28 at 11:59 AM, JonDnD said:

    Sold my PS5 yesterday. There is nothing for the rest of the year and all we know about next years roadmap is GAAS games. I think its safe to assume what Sony 1p is going to continue to bring us and imo that is tired.


    On 2023-08-28 at 9:18 AM, MalaXmaS said:

    Anything good?


    Get fucked :kaz:

    • dead 1
  2. 13 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:



    You mean this google? lmfao keep saying stupid shit please.



    This is part of why you suck so much. The poll isn't good for either candidate but your lizard brain automatically makes this some op by Google to make a random poll not show up to protect Joe Biden to appease the DNC?


    And POOF @Cooke dumbass is gone.  In his pea brain this post by Remy never happened.  In a few weeks Cooke will post a similar thread about this same topic, with his same brain dead stance as if you never responded to him and curb stomped his BS into the ground. 


    Rinse and Repeat. 


    It's like Retarded Ground hog day with him. 

  3. 31 minutes ago, Mr. House said:

    I had seen the full interview pretty much the day it happened. I'm watching the video Mike Pence posted and I still get away with the same thing.


    I think I understand where you're coming from a bit more but as I've said, he should have phrased it in a different way or being more specific if he didn't want to be misinterpreted.


    It's hardly fake news because if you put the questions and the following answer it's sound really bad, even within context. It's not until he clarify his stance later on that it makes sense. And I have to say it was still really weak, formulaic responses. 


    Anyway, whatever. 


    Yes it was somewhat poorly phrased but when you see the full answer he clearly spoke about his concern for the US.  

    • Upvote 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Mr. House said:

    No matter how much you like to point out what he says after he fucked up is pretty irrelevant. The damage is already done.


    The question had nothing to do with tanks specifically, it was about supporting US cities first instead of supporting Ukraine.


    Call it a Freudian slip or whatever. If you can't admit his answer sounded really bad before he went in with most obvious, generic answers then I don't know to tell you. Keep defending some pos Republican who fucked up on stage if you want. It's not my concern, Goukosan. 



    The question was literally about his alleged concern for Ukraine/tanks over his concern for the US cities. 


    Pence addressed the two part question in two parts. 


    That tanks in Ukraine aren't his concern and then he expressed his concern for the US cities. 


    I'm not even a fan of Pence. His and Tucker's assessment of the state of the US are both way off. 


    But Im not letting my dislike of both get in the way of what was actually said. 


    The clip was purposely cut short to dupe folks and here you come being duped :kaz:




    • Upvote 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Mr. House said:

    I literally quoted three following sentences from Pence video.


    I watched both videos twice. The answer came right after Tucker talked about US cities. I know he did answer after about that in more specific but as I've said, it was already passed the point of no return. 


    You cannot be this dense :will: 


    Pence addressed the "tank concern" and then he literally agreed with Tuckers' assessment of the cities..


    "that not my concern, I've heard that

    routine from you before"  (This about the tanks) 


    "I'm running for President of the United States" (he goes on to agree that cities are failing and says his focus will be to improve that) 


    He then circles back to Ukraine and says America is so great we can do both, support Ukraine and improve our cities. 



    Mr. Short YouTube clips lmfao. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, Mr. House said:

    Literally the same clip that I posted with 30 seconds of Pence's answer cut short. Should have thought twice before phrasing it this way.


    ''Where's the concern for the United States?'' After blatantly telling him US cities are going to shit.


    ''That's not my concern, Tucker.'' 


    ''I hear this routine from you before Tucker and it's just not my concern.''


    Anything he says after that is already passed the point of no return. 




    My god you are stupid :kaz:


    "That's not my concern" was a response to Tucker saying his concern was about the tanks. 


    The rest of Pence's response answers the 2nd part of the question of Tucker's framing of the cities... In which Pence addresses that as well.


    The YouTube clip you posted cuts off his full answer to Tucker's multi level loaded question. 



    See this what happens when you dumb ass relies on short YouTube clips for news.. Fucking idiot :will:

  7. 29 minutes ago, Mr. House said:


    Not my concern. :D 


    Mr. YouTube Easily duped Ramza strikes again :kaz:




    Here’s the full clip. 



    Tucker said" your concerned about tanks in Ukraine, that they don't have enough tanks" ... Pence responded that's not my concern




    See this is what happens when you get your news from YouTube clips you easily duped simpleton :umad:


  8. 48 minutes ago, Mr. House said:

    You guys seem to think that only way to make an agreement is for a country to be part of NATO in case they are invaded. 


    This is above my knowledge of diplomacy and geopolitics, I can't in all good faith propose a sound plan that would work. Like I said, I'm not a diplomat. 


    Context matters dipshit. Given Putin's history of breaking agreements and his invading a sovereign nation unprovoked... Literally proves the need for NATO. 

  9. 35 minutes ago, Mr. House said:

    Mike Pence lost the moment he said to Tucker that the US wasn't his focus while simultaneously talking about supporting Ukraine. What a dumbass. :pavarotti: 


    When did Pence say such a thing? 

  10. 35 minutes ago, Mr. House said:

    We = the west. 


    To deny that these sanctions aren't hurting the west is well is just fucking ridiculous. Worst economy of my life time as far as I'm concerned. 


    Is there any moment in history when there wasn't infighting in Russia? Also Wagner PMC is not the regular Russian army, even if it's an extended branch in some ways. It is no way indicative of infighting in the army or bad morale or anything that indicates the Russian forces are about to self implode. 




    The world wide inflation is a result of the global pandemic genius and as I said it's decreasing down month by month.


    Wait so you think the sanctions are hurting the west but has zero effect on Russia? You live in opposite world or something :kaz:


    Can you fucking read? I said that was his top merc, didn't say it was the Russian army.... But he was the 2nd major player of the Russian forces, Putin of course is the top dog.     To act as if the attempted coup and subsequent killing of the wagner groups leader is not indicative of the infighting... Then you're more delusional than I thought. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Mr. House said:

    Canada is in this as well, you idiot. Anything the US does reflects on Canada in some shape or form.


    The GDP of Russia increased. This is an economic fact and no that didn't come from the Kremlin. Their economic situation is complex and challenging but hardly a disaster. I love how you brush off the fact the west is also experiencing high inflation and economic setbacks. 


    Going by Prigozhin butthurt, dude is mad at Shoigu for not properly supporting them in their assault of Bahkmut. 


    Oh yeah, the coup that never happened. Great indication of Russia's demise.  :D 


    You were talking about America's support of Ukraine not Canada's..... Saying we as if you're American...delusional fuck :kaz:


    Again where are you getting that information from that the Russian GDP increased? The Kremlin and Random YouTube vids are credible sources. 


    The inflation rate in the west in DECREASING month by month while Russia's increase.  The top supporter of the Ukraine war (America) has the lowest inflation rate of the entire G7 :umad:



    Can you read? I said attempted coup... The Russian Army is literally infighting... Putin top Merc came out and said Russia is on the brink... Putin just allegedly killed his top Merc..... All of well.. No panic in the Russian ranks.. Nothing to see here. 

  12. 30 minutes ago, Mr. House said:

    It's usually called diplomacy. Ceasefire agreements, peace deals with conditions. 


    If Ukraine wants to die miserably and have no future, that's their choice indeed but we don't have to enable them to do so. 


    Russia has more men, their GDP just increased, their oil productions are down and they have enough allies to keep selling their oil. Oil price increases also benefits Russia.


    You know who needs that oil the most? NATO nations actively fighting against their biggest energy provider through a proxy. Lmao. 


    Suggesting them to retreat? That's not in the realm of possibility. Just a delusional talking point.


    You haven't answered my question. Do you think Ukraine can win this conflict? Yes or no? This is vital because if you don't actively believe they can, then you're no better than a neo con warmonger. And if you think they can, it means you are delusional. 




    What's with you and cooke with this "we" thing when you're talking about America?  You're not American you delusional fuck :kaz:


    Who told you the Russian GDP increased the Kremlin?  Lol


    Russian oil exports went from 33% of Europe down to 6%.... I know these pesky facts have a way shitting on your narrative :umad:



    Yevgeny saw the writing on the wall, why do you think he attempted the coup?  He couldn't stand to see his mother Russia being depleted for a useless war. 


    "You better kill me, but I won't lie.  I have to be honest, Russia is on the brink of disaster" 




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