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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Bro you just spent pages arguing in another thread about something that stemmed from your lack of reading. Then in this thread you spent tons of posts claiming you never said something you were quoted for saying in this very thread..Lmfao.
  2. "in this game that isn't in hundreds of other games?" Don't get mad because you asked s dumb question about what this game does that hundreds of other games do as if that's the barrier to be AAA.... and then you go on to deny your own quoted words
  3. You're the one saying what is it doing that hasn't been done before. Did you not read what you yourself posted? 🤣
  4. That's what you're saying with your post retard
  5. It's the the screenshot of my post you quoted and I just quoted it for you and highlighted and underlined it for your retarded ass. LemiJ is getting Dumber By The Minute
  6. "in this game that isn't in hundreds of other games?" bbbbut I never said this I swearz it AAA means it's better than other AAA games with similar mechanics? lmfao ....you're on a dumb roll today
  7. I was quoting a post where you DID NOT mention day 1 release on PC. Hence I said don't forget day 1 on PC too = Day 1 release as well as the other day 1 releases at retail etc. Thanks for again confirming you're getting Dumber By the Minute
  8. Yes thanks for confirming your reading comprehension is at an all time low. "Don't forget day 1 on PC" meaning Day 1 release on PC. Dumber By the Minute
  9. "in this game that isn't in hundreds of other games?" LemiJ doesn't even know what his own words mean
  10. and you did this dumb shit again... comparing a subset of one model to the entirety of another model..... you still haven't figured out how stupid that is as yet... my god
  11. My goodness your comprehension is at an all time low. Who said anything about PC having its own sub? Day 1 refers to the game releasing day 1 you dumb cunt. Day 1 retail, Day 1 Sub and day 1 PC. How the fuck to you read that I get PC sub service?
  12. "in this game that isn't in hundreds of other games?" LemiJ - "I never said what you just quoted me saying"
  13. That's not what you did. You compared one singular retail game to the entire Sub model. After you got called out for that dumb shit you started back tracking and changing what you initially said
  14. "in this game that isn't in hundreds of other games?" Bbbbut I never said that
  15. AAA = ground breaking, innovate and never been done before. Nice trap you've set up for yourself
  16. and you continue to double down with the dumbass comparison of comparing individual retail releases releases (a subset of Sony's current model) with THE ENTIRE business model of the entire subscription userbase + entire subscription games portfolio x 12 months You cannot make this shit up. I wonder how long it will take his retarder ass to realize what the real comparison should be? ..... shhhhh no one tell him.. let's see how long it takes him to figure it out.. lmfao.
  17. bbbbut they will follow MS's lead they said... the developers must have not gotten the memo it seems.
  18. My goodness you are getting dumber by the minute. A game doesn't have to be ground breaking to be AAA. If that were the case those generic Forza games wouldn't be AAA because it's just the same driving in circles that's in a million other games. LemiJ is getting fucking dumber and dumber in front our very eyes
  19. This fool compared an entire SUB USERBASE + THE ENTIRE PORTFOLIO OF the subscription model which has first and 3rd party games.... and compared it to ONE RETAIL RELEASE... how fucking stupid are you?
  20. First you thought I said abandon retail and now this... that abandon talk came from your butt buddy DynamiteCop For the last time day 1 Sub and day 1 PC is not the same as Sub or PC months or years later.
  21. No this fool didn't just compare the sale of one game to the entire subscription user base and the entire sub of all games on the service..... that's dumber than some of DynamiteCop's dumbest comparisons 🤣
  22. So you are fucking stupid. Releasing the game on a sub and PC day 1 would moving to a o a different business model than the one they currently have. You're almost slower than slow Jonny
  23. You're taking over the dumb lemming role from slow Jonny and DynamiteCop quite nicely
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