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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. LemiJ - "if it comes years later to PC and a subscription it's the same as MS day 1 sub and PC release model"
  2. Who said anything about abandoning retail? Can you read and comprehend? You're getting dumber by the minute. 😂😅 Their current business model is exclusive games on their console first. That's what we're discussing, dropping that current model. MS current model is the game is day 1 at retail, Sub and PC. Sony and Nintendo will not being doing day 1 subs and day 1 PC releases. It's like you can't read bro.
  3. and you think that will happen this gen, day 1 Sub and day 1 PC for all Sony and Nintendo games...... Lemmings hopes and dreams
  4. "bbbbbut no one said abandon " "ohh wait they did say abandon bbbbbbut what they meant was.... 😭 " You fools are saying it will bw abandoned THIS GEN... meanwhile the TV and movie industry that is years ahead of the streaming game still hasn't abandoned the traditional model.... but somehow the two companies selling the most software will. dumb ass lemmings
  5. I think we should grant his request. Mods make it happen.
  6. Hey retard, releasing the game Day 1 on a sub model will reduce the total sales at retail. That's why Nintendo and Sony isn't jumping in to the day 1 sub model because their games sell boatloads already. A sub model without day 1 releases on the console and PC wouldn't be copying MS business model.
  7. The console market saw tremendous growth across the board. What bubble are you living in? They will continue with this model until it not profitable anymore, it's currently seeing record breaking profits. Subscription model will play a role in the future, but you guys are overselling how soon that is and how much of a role it will play. For all the success Netflix has had Movies were still making billions of dollers for each major block buster title (pre pandemic) and they would land on Netflix MONTHS or a year later. Sony and Nintendo games
  8. Smart Business don't abandon industry leading business models to copy the model of the competition that's in dead last This is the video game industry, people don't copy unless its proven to be more successful than what you're currently doing. They're in no rush to follow MS down that road.
  9. Don't forget it has to be day 1 on PC too... lmfao. The needle will not budge until MS can dominate with GP. They're still currently a distant 3rd. Neither Sony or Nintendo is jn any rush to turn away from record breaking numbers
  10. Nintendo's drop next week, will also be record breaking. Almost 30 million Switches sold last fiscal year and record breaking software sales. But According to LemiJ, DynamiteCop and Slow Jonny Sony and Nintendo are rushing to copy Hobo pass
  11. Lemmings have been killed. 6 months after the lauch of a system and ZERO first party games
  12. I'm not surprised, no semi serious gamer would primarily game on Mobile for a competitive shooter. You would have to be @ghostz life matters level of retarded to do that. When Fortnite came to Switch I believe in 2018, that summer all three consoles saw a huge increase in hardware sales driven by Fortnite. That went all the way through the Holidays when each system had Fornite holiday bundles.
  13. So no release date, no release month or no release year has been announced.
  14. I remember Ghostz thought iOS was the biggest earner for Fortnite "Court documents reveal that PlayStation 4 generated 46.8 percent of Fortnite’s total revenues from March 2018 through July 2020, while Xbox One, the second-highest platform, generated 27.5 percent. iOS ranked fifth, with just 7 percent of total revenue. The remaining 18.7 percent would have been split between Android, Nintendo Switch, and PCs."
  15. but you can't right now because it doesn't exist
  16. uhuh sure it's not phone related... lol
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