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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. How often does a non launch system sell half a million in March? Even if PS5 had enough stock to outsell Switch the Switch selling half a million in March is still great numbers. The pretzels you lemmings twist yourself into to try to downplay Switch's success
  2. 5 - 6 months later scalpers are still "hoarding" PS5s and consumers aren't buying them? .... bro you're so fucking stupid. If people aren't buying the systems, scalpers can simply return the system. See Wiiu's Jan or Feb post launch for reference. Scalpers returned the system en mass because no one was buying it. It's been 6 months, yet PS5 is breaking records. If the demand wasn't there scalpers wouldn't have a market.
  3. Yes, I felt the need to state what actually happened. PS5 is the fastest selling since launch and Switch outsold it in March. Obviously the PS5 is outselling both the PS4 and Switch launch aligned. It also puts into perspective how well Switch is doing selling over 500K in March (which rarely happens unless it's launch period) and how well PS5 ia doing by breaking launch records while there's a chip shortage. Multiple things can be true at once.
  4. Yes DynamiteCop, this 14 year established industry vet is putting his credibility on the line for a throwaway comment... not even breaking news or some huge scoop... for stating the obvious (the games are a ways away) that was confirmed by MS. lmfao.
  5. No shit Sherlock. But with that said consoles don't typically sell 500K in March unless it's a newly launched system. Both PS5 and Switch are doing impressive things at retail.
  6. Like I just said, next time GameSpot, Eurogamer.net, IGN etc say they spoke to Nintendo, Sony or MS it will be considered fake news because DynamiteCop can't substantiate it
  7. so now when GameSpot, IGN, Eurogamer.net and Game industry Biz say that they spoke to Nintendo, Sony or MS.... any random forum poster can say "bbbbbut it cannot be substantiated " and this posters word would mean more than the Journalist's.
  8. Hardware Numbers. PS5 - over 390K Switch - over 520K (lower end of Switch estimate. For Switch to have won the units + hardware revenue in March it would have sold more than PS5 to overcome the price gap) Series X/S - (I heard anecdotally that a few people bought it for gamepass so there's that I guess)
  9. and yet the Switch still outsold it. Monster Hunter Rise Debuts at #2 for the month after being on the Market for only 7 days.
  10. He didn't say anonymous sources, he said Xbox game Studios 😐 This is games industry biz, this isn't some random blog or YouTube poster. WTF don't you understand?
  11. You're comparing Remij to an actual Journalist at Game industry Biz? 😂🤣 Remij is not a Journalist you clown. Whereas Game Industry Biz is part of the industry and Christopher Dring is a 14 year industry veteran. This wasn't some random poster on a message board. Not only that, Chris also clearly stated where he got his information from.... Xbox game studios.
  12. Capcom disagrees with you in there own internal documents which so far has been 100% on point Meanwhile all you have is "Trust me it was true, my sources say so" 😂🤣
  13. Oh shit the lemmings were right..... BANGER. NEXT gen is here boys
  14. This was always known as a Switch launch exclusive. Capcom's internal documents said as much for over a year now. Just like it said that RE8 was always cross gen which again ended up being True.
  15. "I don't care about Xbox bro " Very next post "XDomination is coming "
  16. The show had other NEW indies. I only posted a few. Unlike the ID showcase which was all old ports
  17. But you have no problem playing all three super Seducers?
  18. You mean like all the shit you have posted that turned out to be incorrect bullshit.
  19. Oh so you didn't say those games were coming this year or soon? Is that your final answer?
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