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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Matt was addressing the opposite of that though. People spinning what he said previously to mean something else.
  2. He clarified for people who intentionally misrepresented what he said. Spin it however you like.
  3. You hate to see America do well... Sad.
  4. You just said we can see the impact on our accounts... You also said it's not benefiting regular Americans. I agreed, but it's a positive impact My property value increased. Did I mention I got a superb rate on a CD that matures in a couple of months? Also the entire planet was in a global pandemic which lead to inflation throughout the world. But Guess which country now has the lowest inflation in all of the G7.. Yup the USA. Not sure why you're upset that our economy is booming, unemployment is low, Jobs numbers are high,
  5. Checks my 401k... 13.5% growth in the past month alone
  6. You're back peddling and failing
  7. Just like I thought, you have no tangible points to back up your claims. Never change DynamiteCop The stuff I listed is great for the average American as well dipshit. 1) Bringing manufacturing back to the US at a record pace (more well paying jobs for the average American) 2) Record levels of oil production (again more well paying jobs) 3) Stock Market booming - this benefits any average middle class American with a 401K or retirement plans. I've seen more growth in my 401K in the last two years than ever before. Some stuff I
  8. Stop running away from the bullshit point you tried to make
  9. Moderately successful. Would have been much much bigger if launched in a better state.
  10. That's the nature of the market. If it's not compelling enough at or around launch... Then you lose the audience and the mindshare, both of which are hard to get it back once you lose it.
  11. At launch? That shit was lacking. It getting better a year later doesn't change what it launched as.
  12. That's great and all, but that's not the same as saying the game was just as good at launch when it got reviewed as is now. Again it's not that serious, we can also wait for more then four reviews as well
  13. His lack or morality is the fabric that drives his personality dip shit but that wasn't the point.. LOL at you saying Trump's personality makes up for his other character shortcomings and then trying to spin ot that it's not a defense of him 🤣
  14. Nah it got what it deserved then, it's a better game now and is getting better scores now.
  15. Yes it's not serious at all.. But The game wasn't better than the initial reviews said. Rare over promised and under delivered at launch. Reviewers can't review a game on its potential to be a better game in 8 to 10 years time.
  16. It's only 4 reviews. Granted Sea of thieves is better now after 8 years of updates, but using meta for 4 reviews? Lol
  17. "all of us are spending thousands more on everyday things". You made a claim that everything was better under Trump and that's the evidence you came up with? The economy added more than 14 million jobs. The number is now nearly 4.9 million higher than before the pandemic. The unemployment rate dropped back to just above the pre-pandemic low. (hit a 50 year low under Biden) Defying expectations, the nation’s economy expanded 2.5% in 2023, third straight year of economic growth. The S&P 500 has increased 28.2%. (record hi
  18. You're back peddling and failing. You said Trump personality makes up for it, when in fact you know Trump has a terrible personality. Trump avoiding attending White House Correspondents' Association dinner for four straight years as president because it requires to be personable with the press, joke around playfully, be witty, be able to take a joke and give Jokes on the fly. Biden attends every year and kills it. The last dinner was last night as a matter of fact. Mr. Personality Trump was to scared to up there and show his per
  19. I recently got a 15K raise, and it wasn't "effectively erased" You made the claim that everything was better, so back it up.
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