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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 58 minutes ago, Mr. House said:

    I never said it was a ban. :kaz:  Good luck banning air fans with the summer heat with have now. 


    Inefficient rules that is going to bankrupt small companies and make zero change to energy consumption in the US. Amazing. 


    At least tackle heavy energy consumptions from air conditioning or something before bothering with stupid shit.  


    It's not going to bankrupt small companies.  When the rule is approved it won't go into effect for 3 to 4 years and then most times companies get another 2 year extension to implement it.  All in all will take 5 - 6 years before companies have to make the fan more efficient. 


    I know the right wing media made you think if it's approved today then by tomorrow companies have to scramble to make the fans more efficient and your easily duped ass fell for it as usual... Hook line and sinker:kaz:

  2. 1 hour ago, Mr. House said:

    Ukrainians dying in the tens of thousands and potentially losing even more territory is a better solution?


    Oh yea, that's right, you don't care as long as American blood is not being spilled. Great success! 


    Tell me, do you really think they stand a chance in defeating Russia in a complete military victory? This is a yes or no answer. 




    Ukraine is a sovereign nation, it's their choice to defend themselves or surrender.  They chose to defend themselves. 


    What about Russia? They're loosing 10s of thousands of men, economy is crashing, inflation is through the roof, their oil export to Europe is dried up etc.   How come you're not suggesting that they retreat? :umad:



  3. 37 minutes ago, Mr. House said:

    It's new ruleset from the department of energy that was brought in this year. 


    I have been duped because 2020 also had similar measures being passed? Lol, what?


    It's not happening Ramza, even though it is. Brilliant damage control, Gouk. This thread is perfect demonstration of how far you are willing to shill.


    When your only DC is crying 'fake right winger propaganda' but everything they say is actually happening. Remind me of Remy who keeps denying that woke propaganda from radical left wingers being pushed to children while simultaneously defending drag time reading hour and drags 'family friendly' events, never realizing the irony. :pavarotti: 


    It's all right wingers and Russian propaganda. All of it is a fake narrative!!! 


    What exactly is happening? 


    It's an energy efficient appliance rule applied to ceiling fans dipshit.... That's not a ban you easily duped idiot :kaz:



    Your TV, fridge, microwave, washer and dryer and other house hold appliances all are under energy efficient standards.... And are energy efficient appliances and have been for decades ...I guess you are outaged about that too lmfao :umad:




    The point I made was in 2020 when the bill passed the far right didn't make a fake outage about it because energy efficient rules being applied to house hold appliances are the norm and the administration was republican. 


    Now in 2023 because a democrat administration is applying that same rule.... They're creating a fake outage to rile up the easily duped.... And here you go being easily duped. 


    Over an ENERGY EFFICIENT RULE for house appliances. 


    How fucking stupid are you, really? 



    This is like when the right tried this same shit with gaming consoles "OMG they're coming for your Xbox... Its energy efficient now" :adhd:







    I just bought an energy efficient deep freezer for my basement about 2 months ago... Basically saw no difference in my light bill :juggle:



    But anyways that neither here or there... I still can't believe you're getting riled up about energy efficient appliances... Lmfao. 


  4. 39 minutes ago, Mr. House said:


    It just never ends. :pavarotti: 


    Nothing is going on, David. Nothing at all. Fake right wingers outrage. 


    Just like I said two posts ago and right on cue  "Another fake outage story to rile up the simpletons":kaz:



    These clowns are getting riled up about energy efficient appliances lmfao. 




    In 2019 to 2020 when congress passed the H.R.5758 - Ceiling Fan Improvement Act of 2020. 


    This bill revises the energy conservation standard for ceiling fans. Specifically, it sets forth energy efficiency standards for electricity used by large-diameter ceiling fans manufactured on or after January 21, 2020.




    When this passed the house in 2020....I didn't hear one person on the right start a fake outage.....strange... 


    Yet here we are in 2023 and the right is pushing this fake outage. 


    Mr YouTube strikes again... You are easily duped Ramza :umad:


  5. 5 hours ago, Cooke said:

    A Dodge? The russia collusion was made up by the Hilary campaign. Are you going to admit that finally? 


    Yea a dodge... The GOP senate was part of Hilary's campaign or nah? :umad:



    "A GOP-led Senate panel released a report Tuesday that details extensive contacts between Trump campaign advisers and Russian intelligence in 2016." 


    The Trump campaign's interactions with Russian intelligence services during the 2016 presidential election posed a "grave" counterintelligence threat, a Senate panel concluded Tuesday as it detailed how associates of Donald Trump had regular contact with Russians and expected to benefit from the Kremlin's help.


    The nearly 1,000-page report, the fifth and final one from the Republican-led Senate intelligence committee on the Russia investigation, details how Russia launched an aggressive effort to interfere in the election on Trump's behalf. It says the Trump campaign chairman had regular contact with a Russian intelligence officer and says other Trump associates were eager to exploit the Kremlin's aid, particularly by maximizing the impact of the disclosure of Democratic emails hacked by Russian intelligence officers.





    Was Trump's DOJ part of Hilary's campaign as well? 


    You're dumb beyond words. 

  6. 8 hours ago, Cooke said:

    Well then he's completely retarded. 


    Just so you know a majority of Americans now support a negotiated end to the conflict. 


    You're like a broken retarded record. No one, I repeat no one is against a negotiated end to the conflict. 


    What your retarded ass doesn't understand that is Ukraine surrendering 1/3 of its sovereign nation is not a negotiable end to the conflict. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Cooke said:

    The entire Russia collusion thing that went on for years? America went total McCarthy because they didn't want Trump to be president based on a compete lie. And it all started with Hillary's "Steele dossier" lol


    Oh and then sayin hunters actual laptop was "has all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign" signed by 51 former CIA and FBI officials, even though they knew it was legit. What a load of shit. You guys have been obsessed with Russia for years now. 



    Little innocent Russia leave Putin alone... :awww:


    I can't believe in 2023 your dumbass is still saying the Russia collusion was a lie. 


    Bar and the DOJ CHOSE not to indict a sitting president (Trump) for him and his campaign EXTENSIVE contacts with Russian intelligence.


    But let's not pretend it was a lie now shall we :umad:





    The Republican lead FBI, The Republican lead special council and the Republican lead senate committee all said that Trump and his campaign colluded with Russia. 


    "A GOP-led Senate panel released a report Tuesday that details extensive contacts between Trump campaign advisers and Russian intelligence in 2016." 


    The Trump campaign's interactions with Russian intelligence services during the 2016 presidential election posed a "grave" counterintelligence threat, a Senate panel concluded Tuesday as it detailed how associates of Donald Trump had regular contact with Russians and expected to benefit from the Kremlin's help.


    The nearly 1,000-page report, the fifth and final one from the Republican-led Senate intelligence committee on the Russia investigation, details how Russia launched an aggressive effort to interfere in the election on Trump's behalf. It says the Trump campaign chairman had regular contact with a Russian intelligence officer and says other Trump associates were eager to exploit the Kremlin's aid, particularly by maximizing the impact of the disclosure of Democratic emails hacked by Russian intelligence officers.






    With the hunter Biden laptop, the laptop itself is real..... But... The hard drive that passed through a billion hands and was altered is what had all the hallmarks of disinformation campaign. 


    What's strange is that everytime hard evidence about what is actually on the hard drive (unaltered) is supposed to be presented in court or a hearing or something official under oath.... They always come up short. 


    Why is that? Lol


  8. 15 minutes ago, Substatic said:


    I consider a 30 fps release on console a bad and fucked up version, and unlike PC there is no week 1 or week 3 fix. They have lower standards and don't make as many of these articles that Alex and PC gamer do - doesn't mean you can hide from it. A lot of games have been releasing like this:


    Why the return of 30fps console games is inevitable | Eurogamer.net


    Traversal stutter is not as bad as a constant 30 fps, after trying it out. At least if you're used to 100+.


    That's your personal preference. 


    Other people's preference is not having to Tinker with every single game you purchased to get an acceptable performance. 


    But Alas we weren't talking about personal preference.. We were talking about objectively bad ports. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Substatic said:


    I'm not denying this.


    I'm saying even the fucked up PC ports run better on PC than consoles given high end hardware. DF explicitly displayed this. 


    Ok..we can agree there..


    My post was more about the frequency of the bad ports on PC vs the frequency of bad ports on consoles. 


    Obviously with PC if you have a super rig you can brute force through (unless it's actual bugs)... And obviously with PC you can get vastly superior experience than consoles. 


    But that's no excuse for developers to no optimize the PC version. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, Substatic said:


    Alex does some tests on a 2070 Super. At least for Spider-Man, that's why he had it medium for reccomendations on that rig. DF's face off rig was higher, and noted it curb stomped the PS5 version. Like most PS5 games.


    The Sony ports that come years later and have a dedicated team specifically to port those games weren't the games I was referring to... Nice convenient cheery pick.... But even those aren't immune and has stinker PC ports from time to time


    Let's stop pretending that for the last two to three years PC hasn't been getting bad ports of multiplats.  



    This article from PC gamer this year encapsulates the recent frustrations of PC gamers. 


    PC gamer - https://www.pcgamer.com/pc-gamers-really-fed-up-with-one-bad-pc-port-after-another-2023/


    PC gamers are getting really, really fed up with one sh*tty port after another

    It sure seems like there's something wrong with practically every major big-budget release on PC these days.



    • Thanks 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, Remij said:


    Well, inherently fixed platforms will be easier to optimize for.. that much is obvious.


    However, there's a difference between optimization, and buggy, unfinished releases... of which I'd agree there have been many recently, which speaks more of lack of QA and polish than optimization.  A lot of what Alex has referred to when talking about "Lousy PC ports" is basic things not working or being implemented correctly.. I mean the guy knocks games for not having the style of options menu that he likes..  Which is fine, because I agree that it can and should be better.  The biggest offenders were the games that had released which didn't pre-compile shaders, but since DF and gamers have spoken up about them, things have gotten much better and most games now do pre-compile.


    These recent "taxing" games and the general discourse around Unreal Engine 5 being heavy.. is because a lot of people simply don't understand the sheer amount of work that it has to do per frame.  And with UE5.. it's not only the GPU.. the CPU is rasterizing much of the tiny polygons, add to that how cranking up the resolution also increases the load on the CPU, because the amount of polys scales with resolution.   It's like with Ray Tracing.. people will only see the performance hit at first... none of these examples out currently do that great of a job at showcasing what UE5 is capable of... and much like RT.. it will take more proper examples for people to become accustomed to the improvement.  You could literally argue that reconstruction IS the optimization that needs to happen for this type of renderer... 


    Anyway.. since you brought up Alex... here's Alex arguing against exactly what Twinblade said..




    I didn't agree with Twinblade's other point about the AI up scalers making developers lazy.... "Those lazy" devs would be lazy with or without the up scalers. 



    The up scalers allow Devs to push more out of the machine and still end up with a great looking image. 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Mr. House said:

    One consequence of US/NATO policies has been strengthening the BRICS alliance and the American dollars being dropped as the favored money exchange in massive quantities by a few key countries.


    Am I wrong?  


    Also, Russian economy is still going strong despite the sanctions and the predictions of many.


    The state of their armed forces is debatable but they aren't deconstructed like Brian Kilmeade says so brashly.


    If anything, they're reconstructing in some ways. I'd much rather face the dumb large tanks convoy they had in the beginning of the invasion than the well oiled artillery, drones, ballistic strikes with air support they have now. I could be wrong but I think they have at the very least improved in terms of tactics. They had immense losses for sure though, that is not debatable but they're still there, still fighting every day and still having some successes. 


    1) The sanctions are the long game not the short game. 


    It's long term effect is already kicking in and will get worse for Russia over time. 


    "The U.S. surpassed Russia as the top oil supplier to Europe at the end of last year as sanctions targeting Russia’s energy sector took hold." 


    Russia used to supply 1/3 (33%) of Europe's oil as of Dec 22 it's down to 6%.  The effects of this will be felts through 2023 and beyond. 



    2) Their currency is tanking month by month as their inflation continues to spike. 


    " The Central Bank of Russia at an emergency meeting on Tuesday (Aug 15th 2023) jacked up interest rates by 350 basis points to 12% in a bid to halt a rapid depreciation of the ruble currency, which slumped to a 17-month low of near 102 to the dollar on Monday."



    3) Today, the US dollar (USD) is the most prominent currency in the world. This is tied to the fact that the US has the largest economy in the world, along with the dollar’s use globally.


    4) Spin all you want, Russia's army perceived strength has PLUMMETED since the start of the war with Ukraine.  The supposed super power is holding struggling against Ukraine.  There was an attempted military coup by Putin's top mercenary, who is now alleged to have been killed by Putin. You're taking what Brian said literary when you know damn well what he meant. 


    5) NATO now is stronger than ever,  Finland became the latest country to join the Alliance on 4 April 2023. Currently, four additional partner countries have declared their aspirations to NATO membership: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Sweden and Ukraine.


    Putin had hoped to weaken NATO and stop the chance of Ukraine being brought into the alliance.  So far his main goals have been a failure. 


    6) To Fox's point, all this was accomplished with not one single drop of American troops blood being spilled or American troops being deployed. 



    • Upvote 1
  13. 35 minutes ago, Remij said:

    So full of shit.. lmao.  Console ports are just as unoptimized these days... which is why cows are essentially begging for a PS5 Pro at this point..


    While console ports are also unoptimized from time to time.... Its not on the same level of frequency as the amount of PC ports that were unoptimized. 



    "2022 was a dire year for PC ports.... I was almost broken as a reviewer for DF"


    And then 2023 didn't start of too hot either for PC ports. 





    DF - 

    "2022 and now 2023 have been rough years for AAA game release quality, with many games releasing in an unfinished, broken state - particularly on PC.





  14. Fox and Friends of all places spitting facts against Viveks Pro Russia, Ukraine should surrender bullshit. 



    Even Fox is finally waking up and seeing that the current approach taken by the Biden administration was the best approach. 


    Not a single drop of American blood spilled and Russia is self imploding with the attempted military coup and now Putin allegedly taking out the leader of his top mercenary group. 

  15. 20 hours ago, Twinblade said:


    Why do you keep making stuff up? I haven't praised Trump in a loooooooooooong time. In fact i've done nothing but bash him recently.


    A year is not a long time when you supported him for 6 years. 

  16. 4 minutes ago, Mr. House said:

    No, I'm saying a social media post from Wagner is not an official story. 


    Let me be clear on this, I don't believe it's an accident. The point is, it is shown as such on the news right now as a presumed accident, which you seem to have an issue with for some reason despite the fact I've more than proven it is the case.


    I'm not arguing that it's a possibility. But it is a fact that a crash and is what was getting reported. I mean there are no conclusive evidence at the moment. This is why I refer to Twitter, mainstream news might suck but they won't jump to such conclusions on day one without some kind of hard evidence. No doubt the clowns you follow on Twitter did though.


    You were wrong, I was right. It's ok, it's not even something that should warrant such a debate. You don't have to die on a hill because of some headlines. You were just being contrarian because it's me. I could say the sky is blue and you'd probably object to it. 



    No one in this thread posted any Twitter posts about this matter.. You're reaching hard :umad:



    What the mainstream news reported was that the plan crashed, and showed the videos and pin pointed that the crash did not look "normal" and foul play maybe in play. (explosion or anti air) 


    Russian state television said from the jump that there was no fowl play and it was simply a crash. 


    As I said in my intial post both you and Cooke would come in here believing Russian state tv. 


    And here you are half stepping Bbbut let's give Vladimir the benefit of the doubt despite what's being reported... Don't jump to conclusions about him, leave him alone!!!! :awww:

  17. 24 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    I'd also like to point out that @Cooke hasn't whined about the hundreds of millions of dollars that Trump has raised for slush funding his re-election/legal defense/direct to "charity" payments that has been transferred through so many hands in the past 3 years in which alot can't be accounted for. Or the 2 billion Kushner got, or 1.5 billion Mnuchin got, or overseas patents Ivanka got...



  18. 6 hours ago, Mr. House said:

    Yeah, they're reporting on a Wagner social media that says it's not a crash. 


    This doesn't make it an official confirmed statement and not a single news channel present it as such as their headline. Because this isn't like the dramatic morons that immediately jump to conclusions like you follow on Twitter.


    You're embarrassing yourself right now.


    Just like I thought you only read headlines :kaz:


    Official confirmed statements by Russia? Have you just started following Russia? Has Putin ever admitted to killing his detractors? 




    But they all seem to fall out a window and die, fall down some stairs and die, or get poisoned and now it's just an "innocent crash" of his latest detractor. 





    A preliminary U.S. intelligence assessment has found that the plane crash presumed to have killed Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin was intentionally caused by an explosion, according to U.S. and Western officials.


    The explosion falls in line with Russian President Vladimir Putin's "long history of trying to silence his critics."


    Bbbut a YouTube headline said something different :awww:



    If I post something from Twitter, I make sure the person has receipts or links to back up what they're saying unlike you I don't blindly believe shit just because :umad:


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