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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. We've heard that for the last 7 years. Let's see if they deliver.
  2. Rev 3 isn't a rumor bro, Capcom's own internal documents spell it out as being announced after RE8 has it's time in the lime light.
  3. Stories won't be as big... but it will still do ok.
  4. Solid is a tier below AAA blockbuster. I didn't say they haven't had a good game in a decade. I said specifically a AAA blockbuster.
  5. and this is on one system. Surprise surprise, AAA exclusive retail content still moves games and you can also bet it moved alot of systems too.
  6. MS still hasn't brought forth that AAA blockbuster content in about a decade.... a whole freaking decade. They have alot of ground to make up. Elder Scroll 6 will be that title though, those billions they paid for Bethesda will help.
  7. The International Certificate of Inoculation (ICV) and Vaccination was established by the International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation (1933). Some of the Previous Vaccine passports over the years. 1) International Certificate of Inoculation Against Cholera. 2) International Certificate of Inoculation Against Yellow Fever. 3) International Certificate of Immunity Against Yellow Fever. 4) International Certificate of Inoculation Against Typhus Fever. 5) International Certificate of Vaccination Against Smallpox.
  8. I can tell you never traveled anywhere internationally outside your bubble and or done higher education if you think needing vaccination "passports" is something new.
  9. "Following the Science he says" .... shouldn't it have been gone by the summer, wasn't car crashes more deadly, wasn't it supposed to be cured with hydroxychloroquine, or was that bleach? wasn't it no worse than the flu....is that the science you're following? your posts gets more ironic by the second 😂🤣
  10. More importantly, what are the Twitch viewership number?
  11. It's funny yet sad at the same time that you genuinely believe this shit 😐
  12. There was a point in time pre lauch when you and DynamiteCop were indistinguishable. Then when you say that MS was dropping the ball for series X lauch... you abandoned him...lol.
  13. Yea the media opinion changed a bit because MS finally got better content on GP. Content will always be king.
  14. It all comes back to you guys claiming for MONTHS that PS5 wasn't ready, Sony had to redesign it at the a last minute, that their software developers weren't ready because the PS5 target had not been finalized... blah blah blah... Then when the reveals came Sony had tons of actual gameplay footage and MS had none, Zilch, ZERO. Who cares about in-engine footage when you have actual real time gameplay being shown. Real time gameplay is higher on the totem pole.
  15. That doesn't matter bro, that other clones were free and got shut down.
  16. Hey conflating King... No one was arguing what the game would look like potentially. That was YOUR DAMAGE CONTROL for MS not showing gameplay footage. The discussion in the showcase reveal threads was that Sony showed actual gameplay and MS did not show one second of gameplay.
  17. You cannot say that with a certainty because even with GP Xbox is in a distant third both hardware and software wise. Until MS can start dominating the gaming market with the GP model then you will see other follow suit and change their entire model. Until till that point, Nintendo and Sony will continue to break records.
  18. You're not sure of the point in Trying to make? I've already stated it clearly. 😕 Both Nintendo and Sony do not need to do a gamepass model at this point. They're both breaking records in both hardware and software. They both deliver must have exclusive content, that's why their software and hardware sales have been through the roof last gen. They're not going to drop that anytime soon for a gamepass model. MS is investing billions into this and willing to take a loss on gamepass in order to invest for the future in hopes that it turns into the Netflix of gaming.
  19. Yet AT THE REVEAL you claimed it was real time GAMEPLAY The discussion at the time was Sony showed ACTUAL GAMEPLAY while MS did not.
  20. Switch software CONTINUES to sell in the 10s of millions per title, Hardware sales are ahead of both PS4 and Wii launched aligned. PS5 just sold the most launch consoles EVER while being supply constrained. You keep forgetting the major issue with gamepass. EXCLUSIVE MUST BUY CONTENT that people want to play. MS recognized this that's why they're started buying up developers left and right in order to try to deliver the must have content. Until their first party start pumping out mass market World wilde must have games, GP will continue t
  21. The game was always cross gen. The REVEAL was next gen only. That was always their plan. As that's exactly what happened. Dat back track 😂🤣... your dumbass was saying it was real time gameplay at the reveal. You just conflated that AGAIN with in engine when I brought it up REAL TIME GAMEPLAY two posts ago... 😂 Look at your response conflating the two AGAIN... lmfao. Dumb Cunt.
  22. Both Sony and Nintendo are selling tons of games and consoles and breaking records in each. Gamepass is not something they're willing to take a loss on for years and years to hopefully turn it into something equally as profitable. MS is willing suck up the loss leader that is gamepass in hopes that eventually it becomes something hugely profitable for them. Sony and Nintendo has no need to jump on this when their current models are leading the industry by a country mile.
  23. He was trying to push the narrative that this game teaches loser guys how to talk to girls
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