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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. They're still open call now 😎 +15167319392 Sales rep "Sarah" doesn't set the store policies slow Jonny.
  2. Call now and record the automated message about not giving out videogame console stock over the phone. It's the first thing you hear. They're still open BTW... call now +15167319392 😎 Slow Jonny is so triggered by PS5 breaking records he has to lie about calling a target in another state πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
  3. The Target out here doesn't provide item availability over the phone for Video game consoles. You have to check their inventory online. I checked online, it says buy at the store Aisle B28. Bro, you're pathetic for making up that Lie that you called that Target and they told you they didn't have it. Their policy is that they can't tell you about video game console stock over the phone, so the sales associate can't even tell you if they wanted to. This is a new low even for you.
  4. Series S available in Aisle B28.... owned again https://www.target.com/p/xbox-series-s-console/-/A-80790842
  5. Did you forget Aisle B28 in my local Target also had the Series S.... you already got owned πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
  6. Hey retard you said it wasn't available, I easily found it within minutes at two separate locations near me from two different stores. If I wanted a series X/S I could have easily gotten one just like Cooke and lost fool found theirs with ease. So what you're saying is the last time you brought this up at launch, I was easily able to find it just like I found it today..... bbbbut it cannot be found at retail guiz
  7. You said it's not available, in 2 mins I found two different stores with the Series S in stock.... Anyone who really wants a series S/X can find one easily at retail. You have been raped πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
  8. ohh look my local best buy has the Series S in stock as well πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ Bbbbut the Xbox is impossible to find I swearz it 😒
  9. My local target has Series S in stock.... Aisle B28. Matter of fact the listing says you have to walk in the store and purchase it no online reservations.... you two clowns are ownedπŸ€£πŸ˜‚ Bbbut it's sold out I swears it
  10. And as everyone pointed out slow Jonny, scalpers scalp products that are in high demand. PS5 launch 5 months ago, yet scalpers are still scalping it.... you're the only one to come to the conclusion that it's not selling πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ PS5's success is Triggering you... BIG TIME.
  11. Bro, the Switch is currently the best selling system all over the globe. It's selling faster than both the Wii and PS4 did ( don't think I forgot @lynux3😎)...... PS5 is generating more revenue at at lauch than any system in US History do you see any of the sheep crying about that? You lemmings are the only ones in here feeling triggered and insecure for some reason.
  12. This thread isn't about Xbox it was about PS5. No where in the OP was it compared to Xbox. The OP posted exactly what NPD pointed out.. that the PS5 is the fastest selling console revenue wise in US History....why does this trigger you so much?
  13. Is NPD hating on Xbox by pointing out that both Switch and PS5 are outselling Xbox? Is NPD hating on Xbox by pointing out that PS5 currently is the fastest selling console revenue wise in US History?
  14. You can have all the security training you want, users are still the weakest link. All it takes is for one user to get their password Phished.
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