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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 24 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    I'd also like to point out that @Cooke hasn't whined about the hundreds of millions of dollars that Trump has raised for slush funding his re-election/legal defense/direct to "charity" payments that has been transferred through so many hands in the past 3 years in which alot can't be accounted for. Or the 2 billion Kushner got, or 1.5 billion Mnuchin got, or overseas patents Ivanka got...



  2. 6 hours ago, Mr. House said:

    Yeah, they're reporting on a Wagner social media that says it's not a crash. 


    This doesn't make it an official confirmed statement and not a single news channel present it as such as their headline. Because this isn't like the dramatic morons that immediately jump to conclusions like you follow on Twitter.


    You're embarrassing yourself right now.


    Just like I thought you only read headlines :kaz:


    Official confirmed statements by Russia? Have you just started following Russia? Has Putin ever admitted to killing his detractors? 




    But they all seem to fall out a window and die, fall down some stairs and die, or get poisoned and now it's just an "innocent crash" of his latest detractor. 





    A preliminary U.S. intelligence assessment has found that the plane crash presumed to have killed Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin was intentionally caused by an explosion, according to U.S. and Western officials.


    The explosion falls in line with Russian President Vladimir Putin's "long history of trying to silence his critics."


    Bbbut a YouTube headline said something different :awww:



    If I post something from Twitter, I make sure the person has receipts or links to back up what they're saying unlike you I don't blindly believe shit just because :umad:


  3. 3 hours ago, Cooke said:

    The reason you care about Russia is because we spent the last 6 years obsessing over them. Hillary rot your brain. 


    First off who is we? 


    Motherfucker you're not American :kaz:



    2nd off all.... Twinblade suffering from Hillary rot?? 


    Twinblade of all people?? 


    Twinblade was a Trump supporter his entire presidency (not anymore) , he initially supported desantis, vivik, Mike Pence etc.... I believe he is supporting Chris Christy now.


    Point is he is a republican through and through.   He is against Hillary more than you are against Biden. 


    And last but not least... Russia's own actions is what put them where they are, Russia's own actions is what made them the "bad guys".  You keep painting Russia as some innocent bystander. 


    Your gullible ass really is lost in the sauce of misinformation for real :kaz:




  4. 3 hours ago, Cooke said:

    You're really bad at gaslighting. 


    Don't run from your words now. 


    "What should have happened during the Obama years was building a relationship with Russia, not making them the boogyman"  :umad:


    Innocent Russia was made out to be a boogeyman :kaz:



  5. 7 hours ago, Cooke said:

    Why does Russia Jr matter so much to you guys? It's like being obsessed with Quebec. What should have happened during the Obama years was building a relationship with Russia, not making them the boogyman. China and Russia as allies is the worst thing that could happen and it is coming fast and hard. Too bad you idiots are so fucking short sighted. 


    Russia is just an innocent little bystander that America made the boogyman, it's all America's fault for Russia's actions........:kaz:

  6. 9 hours ago, Mr. House said:

    Yes, yes it is. 




    You get the point. I understand you get your news from Twitter so it's alright, I'll let it slide.


    Mr YouTube video himself :kaz:



    Did you take the time to actually watch the videos or you just read the headlines? :umad:







  7. 4 hours ago, Mr. House said:

    A crash is what most news channel reported. My first thought was that it is probably not an accident, no one in their right mind would think Putin is incapable of such an act. 


    What I find strange is Putin definitely had plans for Pregozhin and the Wagner PMC in Africa. They were there just a few days ago.  


    No a simple crash is not what most news channels reported. 


    That's not strange it's a called catching Pregozhin by surprise. 

  8. 35 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    Prioghozin is no more. His private jet was just shot down in Russia by Russian air defense and he was on board :kaz: Pootin sure put on a show this time. I guess it’s more unique than just having everyone fall out of windows.


    Russia is claiming the plane "just crashed". 


    "Mercenary chief who staged mutiny in Russia is listed as a passenger on a plane that crashed, state media says" 


    I expect Cooke and Ramza to believe this version of the story :kaz:




  9. 1 hour ago, Cooke said:

    Carrying water should be a full time job for you Gouk


    Are you saying the government cannot do more for Maui because FEMA? Hmm who is in charge of FEMA?  Australia? Lol 700 dollars sure will go far. 



    And also I can be concerned about multiple things at once. I'm not I'm imbecile like yourself. You're sending 10s of BILLIONS to Ukraine and they are making no progress. Meanwhile people of Maui get 700 bucks and a pat on the back. Not sure how you have the fucking audicaty to even defend this.  But Gouk is gonna Gouk I guess. 



    I have to ask again, why are you so clueless about everything?  :kaz:


    No.... Your initial premise is incorrect, I never said the government can't do more....


    Im saying they're already doing "more" for Maui... They're already doing more than enough for Maui and Maui will get federal funding for the recovery efforts for a very very long time and all. Those millions of dollars  and possibly billions over time will be coming through FEMA. 



    Ukraine is not getting billions of liquid cash you dense clown.  They're getting only our 3rd class military equipment and the value of it is represented in dollars from the military budget. 


    Military equipment won't do shit in Maui for disaster relief you simpleton. 


    Miliary Aid to Ukraine has ZERO IMPACT on aid disaster aid from FEMA... How stupid are you really? 



    You haven't cared about the US military budget ever... Regardless of if the was happening or not... The US military budget would still be Basically the same because we're sending them equipment that was already budgeted for but we're not using ourselves. 


    Now all of a sudden because you were told to care about the military budget, because you were told it somehow relates to FEMA and Maui.. Here you are today regurgitating something you are clueless about as always. 

  10. 13 hours ago, Cooke said:

    Not gloating. Just wondering how many billions of dollars is enough to win this war? You guys can barely help Maui but Ukraine has a limitless spending account. 


    Why are you so clueless about everything? Lmfao


    FEMA aid for disasters aren't related to military aid/funding dipshit.  They don't impact each other. 


    Maui is getting FEMA aid for every person affected by the fire. Plus Maui will get FEMA aid for as long as it takes the area to recover from the disaster. 



    I thought you concerned about the loss of life in war "how many lives with it cost for freedom?" 


    Now it's about the military budget? Lol



  11. 5 hours ago, Remij said:



    I posted the literal proof that it fell off so bad :drake:   And how do I know it fell off so bad??? :bena:   Because I can compare it to Diablo 4 which came out much earlier... which didn't fall off as bad.. in either market.


    So run along and cry about it elsewhere...  you're good at that :hest: 


    Top #5 in the biggest market during the game's 2nd NPD month .


    LemiJ "Bbbut it fell off bad" :awww:


    delusional fuck :kaz:


  12. 5 hours ago, JonDnD said:

    Narrator - His mind... consumed with rage. Not once, yet twice....he was owned off the internet. Unable to control the anger, he proceeds to carry on....the hurt, it is almost pleasurable to him. He will take yet one more beating....pulling his hair.... gnashing his teeth. Yet this......this is all for naught. They will all continue to laugh at him. The fight, this is not worth it for him, but thy.....has nothing. Nothing else to live for. Embrace the emptiness. HIs mind is too weak.


    Slow Jonny writing fan fiction and shit :kaz:


  13. 2 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Who are you arguing with? :sabu: 


    Like I said... that just means Diablo 4 sold that much better.. because it didn't fall off in either market.  And the PC version is easily the best selling version of Diablo 4. :juggle: 




    I should ask you that because I already told you I don't give a shit about your go around with Jehurey with D4.    Yet you keep bringing up D4 lol. 


    Top 5 in the biggest market is not "falling off so bad" no matter how much you want to spin it :umad:

  14. Just now, Remij said:

    Out 3 weeks later and couldn't even come close to Diablo 4 in the following month. :lawl: 


    Has cratered since July too :lawl: 


    Don't care about your Diablo 4 go around with Jehurey. 


    I'm responding to specifically your ascertain that  UK and US % splits are the same and that somehow Top 5 in the biggest market is bad. 

  15. 1 minute ago, Remij said:

    The splits say NOTHING about how much a title sold total.... 


    And yes, they generally are.. for multiplat games :lemming: 


    Couldn't even beat Hogwartz :lawl: 


    The UK % splits vary greatly for multiplats compared to the US splits.   



    Top 5 in the biggest market.. Spin it all you want :umad:


  16. 6 minutes ago, Remij said:


     Top 5... couldn't even beat Diablo and released much later in June..  Had all of July and couldn't do it :kaz: 


    And no... I never said anything about using UK numbers to base what the US numbers would be in this thread.


    What I DID say is that US PERCENTAGE SPLITS are generally close to what they are in the UK...



    Moron :tom: 


    The splits are based on the numbers dipshit and no the UK splits aren't generally close for UK and the US.  Two different markets with different trends for software splits. 


    Lmfao at you trying to spin a top 5 hold in the biggest market as a bad result. 

  17. 2 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    They dont exist? Im not playing into your stupid game. You know the games im talking about, they clearly exist as i own both of them on PC. Im not upset that you asked me to back it up, im just not understanding why you would even claim to not know what games im referring to.  You know what im talking about.


    As for how much im typing....youll string this along ALL DAY if i keep responding to you. Go as off topic as you can just to keep it going. We all know what you do.


    Out of the couple handfuls of people that still post here, only 2 or 3 are incapable of having normal conversation. Only 2 or 3 are full blown fanboy troll idiots every time they post here. You can continue screaming the same thing over and over, and claim its a win. If that makes you feel better, feel free to continue on. Dumbo.


    Sloooooowwww Jonny is still fuming.... Paragraphs upon paragraphs and yet still no answer :jonb:



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