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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Miles Morales had been in the top 5 every month since PS5 launched.
  2. 100 million Americans Vaccinated in 51 days. Might as well call this project light speed. His first bill passed in about the same time (compared to Trump who took over 300 days to get his first bill passed).... 0 days golfing compared that to the orange clown who lived at the golf course.
  3. Yea it's like gravity on objects are so loose in the game
  4. Lemmings are delusional to think MS spent a whopping 7.5 billion dollars on a 3rd party publisher just for them to sell less games only to the Xbox userbase. MS will keep the majority of the Major franchises that Bathesda has as multi platform and rake in the money. and also have them create new exclusive franchises for Xbox.
  5. "Some"..... lemmings expected "all" MS most successful acquisition has been minecraft, a series that the have kept multiplatform. Lmfao at lemmings thinking MS bought up a developer AND PUBLISHER with Bethesda and their parent company to not publish 3rd party games.
  6. What first party owned PlayStation game is on Xbox? And if you say MLB you're more stupid that I thought 😂🤣 Sony already clearly stated their plan for PC. Ports of select games will come after the Benefits of the game being exclusive to PlayStation hardware have expired. The day and date releases of Sony games on PC will happen around the same time that cliff for the Switch you predicted was arriving by January 2018
  7. Has any of their PC ports been day 1 like Xbox? or have all came years later? Sony ported a few first party games years later and lemmings go insane 😂😅
  8. Hey retard. Exclusives drive consoles sales, raises the value of your product etc. Sony knows this that's why their games will be exclusive to PlayStation 5 for years. Once the majority of the benefits of selling as an exclusive wears off then they will port it to PC as they have been doing on a game by Game basis. If you're holding your breath waiting for Day 1 releases of Sony PS5 games on PC then you might as well write up your will right now.... cause it's not happening.
  9. bbbbut it was antifa I swears it The 42-year-old Federico Klein was still an employee of the U.S. government and a part of the Trump administration when he joined the mob attacking the Capitol, where, the FBI alleges, he “physically and verbally engaged with the officers holding the line,” assaulting officers with their own riot shield that had been taken from police and using it to prop open a door to the Capitol.
  10. OLED means better battery life and a better display all around. This is a mid gen refresh for the Switch, AKA a pro model and not the Super Nintendo Switch. Devs kits are already in the wild.
  11. And you thought I was trolling. I tried to warn you that the PC version has game breaking bugs
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