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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 4 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    There is no reason to back up what i said. You know the games im talking about. You admitted Rockstar also doesnt give a shit about Switch. Thats where the conversation should have stopped.


    But you decided to argue, just to argue, something you already lost :mindblown:


    So what do you do now? Now you are just going to act like a 12 year old autistic kid and scream the same repeated words that you always do. Its like, ok you know you lost so you go into copy jerry mode. Jerry never wins arguments like that and neither do you? So why cant you just be normal? Youre tired.


    Set a goal for yourself maybe, when you go to be tonight. Tell yourself you wont wake up angry tomo. Tell yourself there is more to life than arguing with people on the internet that dont care about you:9: You look like an angry little kid everytime you post here. Stop being so mad.


    You posted all of this and still can't say which current games you're talking about.....because they don't exist :umad:


    You love to talk out your ass but get upset when someone asks you to back it up. 


    Look how mad you got because of that, writing paragraphs and shit :kaz:


  2. 4 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    They are doing fine not giving a shit about Ditch, too. At least Pc has the current Rockstar games.


    Slow Jonny just discovered two things can be true at the same time :kaz:



    What current Rockstar games would that be? 



  3. 5 hours ago, Remij said:

    Final Fantasy 16 fell off so bad :hest: 




    July NPD, FF16 is in the top 5 :umad:





    Just read the thread and realized that LemiJ pulled out DynamiteCop's old talking points of using UK numbers to base what the US numbers would be lmfao :kaz:




  4. 2 hours ago, Remij said:

    It has nothing to do with them being lazy... The probably kept it locked to 30fps to maintain parity with the Xbox BC version.  Xbox crybabies would cry if their version was locked to 30fps and all the other versions ran at 60.  Rockstar probably didn't want to bother making a new Xbox version because the BC version already exists and if they tried to charge $50 for a game that was already available on Xbox before... they'd get castrated by the community there.


    So instead they just locked it to 30 and called it a day lol.


    Here are two solutions... Either do an actual remaster or do a full remake....release on Switch, PS4/5 and Xbox. 


    Lemmings can't cry because this version would be better than BC. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Cooke said:

    pretty sure i havent seen you say one negative thing about biden ever. did pedo peter touch you in the right spots? or are you just a DNC bot? you must work in government.  No one could be that dedicated to a fucking creep. 


    3 hours ago, Cooke said:

    its funny how "bu bu this is old news" is somehow a defense. lmao what a fucking turd you are Gouk. The bar is low but you just lowered it to the ground.  THIS WAS JUST RELEASED ON A FREEDON OF INFO REQUEST. 


    Im convinced your dumbass doesn't actually read responses. 


    I literally posted something from 10 years ago and you still believe it's new information :kaz:



    "Previous emails released by the agency showed that Biden used the email address "Robert.L.Peters@pci.gov" during his time as vice president and that his aide, John Flynn, copied Hunter Biden on 10 emails containing the elder Biden’s daily schedule between May 18 and June 15, 2016"




    Cooke - Bbbut it was a secrets I swear :awww:



    10 years ago - 


    "And the fundamental question here, in terms of FOIA requests and congressional inquiries, is that all of these email addresses are included."



    "So the answer is, all of this information is provided. Having alternate email addresses for cabinet secretaries and other high-profile officials makes eminent sense." 



    Cooke - congress never had access they just discovered this, it's true 😢 




    It's an official government email address you single cell dumb shit.


    Congress HAS HAD access to all the email addresses used because once again... It's an official government email address.  





  6. 7 hours ago, Cooke said:


    Holy fuck 🤣


    Cooke and Co are 10 years late... These aren't secret emails... And Congress already has access to all these emails. 


    Comer is asking for emails he already has, and acting as if congress didn't know that the white house officials had seperate office emails from the publicity known email addresses. 



    All show for the easily duped :kaz:



    Literally 10 years ago in 2013 - 


    "And the fundamental question here, in terms of FOIA requests and congressional inquiries, is that all of these email addresses are included."


    "Let's be clear — this is a practice consistent with prior administrations of both parties, and, as the story itself made clear, any FOIA request or congressional inquiry includes a search in all of the email accounts used by any political appointee,"  - Obama/Biden Whitehouse


    "So the answer is, all of this information is provided. Having alternate email addresses for cabinet secretaries and other high-profile officials makes eminent sense. 


    "And that is the case with officials of this administration, officials of the previous administrations who have had email addresses" 



    Previous emails released by the agency showed that Biden used the email address "Robert.L.Peters@pci.gov" during his time as vice president and that his aide, John Flynn, copied Hunter Biden on 10 emails containing the elder Biden’s daily schedule between May 18 and June 15, 2016




    So to recap, these are emails that congress already had access to... Have known about for over a decade even longer because previous administrations also used alternative gov addresses.


    And Biden's alterative email address was released by the agency YEARS ago... But Comer wants to act as if it's something new..


    Now that their star witness revealed that Biden didn't discuss business when he called his son....


    They're now moving on to Bbbbbbut his emails Lol



  7. 16 hours ago, -GD-X said:

    Lol exactly. Stream Deck power - at best 


    Slightly more powerful than a steam deck due to efficency gains, but yes in that ball park. 


    Anyone expecting Xbox series S level is delusional.


    Anyone expecting PS3/360 level for Switch 2 is even more delusional because that would make it much  weaker than Switch 1.... Lol Sugarhigh lol :kaz:


  8. 4 hours ago, Ike said:

    Damn lemmings already damage controlling this if it flops. I thought Microsoft called this the most important game ever made.

    No confidence in your biggest game? :hest:  


    Lemmings suffer from both  battered wife and persecution complex syndrome. 


    They've been beaten down soo long they forgot what's it's like to have a AAA banger, they're in denial that it's MS fault.. So they blame everyone else for the abuse else but the abuser :kaz:

  9. Hey Republicans, how about actually coming up with legislation?


    Republicans - "Nah we will just hype of more culture war BS" 




    Ted cruz wants to investigate bud light because a Tranny drank some beer on the internet :kaz:



    This is literally the Republican message for 2024....culture war Bullshit. 

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