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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. A different design structure for the game compared to main series, different control mechanics compared to the main series all tailored for the handheld because it's a handheld series and you call that Marketing? 😂🤣😂🤣 Even your new damage control concedes that its a handheld series "a console game but smaller in scale"...... why would it need to be on a smaller scale if it wasn't design as a handheld series? lol It's a handheld series Bro, it started as a handheld series and latest entry once again will be built around a handheld.
  2. Too bad the game developers disagree with you. The episodic structure is one that gives Revelations a different pace from its console brethren and Nakanishi explains that it was common sense. "The game needed to be suitable for playing on portable hardware, with short chapters, and also had to feature a variety of gameplay styles. All of this combined to give us the idea of structuring the storyline and gameplay like a TV series, which in turn informed how we created the plot and characters." They even changed how you control the character by letting you walk and shoot
  3. The entire game design is built around handhelds. 😐 The developers themselves said they decided to give the game an episodic structure with short and varied chapters to make it suitable for playing on a portable game console.
  4. The Series started as a handheld series. and as the leaks show it will continue as a handheld first series.
  5. Rev 1 was good. Rev 2 was absolute garbage. Hopefully 3 is good.
  6. You're really struggling to grasp this huh? I'm playing the same DQXIS, the same DBZ Fighterz, the same Jump force etc that's on PS4. It's closer to PS4 than Vita was to PS3, Vita versions had to remove content, change up the entire control scheme (only two shoulder buttons) and make so many changes to the game that it wasn't content complete. Switch is the first portable to provide content complete console games on the go. Obviously it's not as powerful as a PS4, don't know how your illiterate ass got that from what we said.. lmfao
  7. Like I said reading and comprehending must be really difficult for you. Read it again a few more times until you understand it.... No one said anything about having EQUAL HARDWARE as PS4 you doofus 😂🤣😂🤣😂
  8. In b4 you've finished drawing your dream woman?
  9. Glorious Calls him weak, flaccid and a total failure because he didn't pardon them and now they're facing Jail time. These fools actually thought Trump cared for them and now they're crying up a storm.
  10. man your reading comprehension is in the shitter 😂🤣
  11. still a stupid move to charge 120 for one year.
  12. While that could have been a possibility that's still a hypothetical. The Switch is a reality and does just that.
  13. raw power wise it's not..but unlike Vita and PSP which required bespoke engines etc. Switch supports the same engines etc as PS4 and Xbox1. It's closer to PS4/X1 than PSP and Vita were to PS3.
  14. I mean only if there was a system out there that does this... would be crazy right?
  15. You locked yourself behind Xbox... no AAA exclusives. No Next gen games at launch. You paid 500 for a series X to play TETRIS at lauch 😂🤣 You spent the last 10 years loving your Xbox more than your family.....only for you to tuck your dick and run to PC Switch had the most good games last year (Metacritic) and the year before (Metacritic) and have a ton of EXCLUSIVE BANGERS for 2021. What AAA MS Banger are you getting on Xbox this year? lmfao
  16. Lemmings have no options to play AAA exclusives. Slow Jonny was playing Tetris on Series X at launch for crying out loud 😂🤣
  17. https://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-one/cyberpunk-2077 61 😂🤣
  18. it's so good that MS and Sony had to offer full refunds for anyone who purchased
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