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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Cyber Junk was the biggest flop in gaming history
  2. But I thought Covid19 would disappear the day after the election? Thought it was a hoax? Thought the numbers were inflated? So as of yesterday the numbers are real now? Well If it took Joe Biden being president for you MAGA clowns to FINALLY take the virus seriously then that's a win for all of us. If the right wing Media now starts reporting how dire the pandemic really is in an effort to smear President Biden.... then great. At least more people will take it serious now.
  3. Duuuh...im not ignoring that. What you're ignoring is the last 4 to 5 years the drone strikes REDUCED significantly under Obama. Did you miss that? lol
  4. Twinblade, DynamiteCop and Cooke truly live in bubbles. DynamiteCop started the thread off the thread saying there were ZERO suicide bombings in Iraq for four years. Now Twinblade thinks Trump didn't do drone strikes for four years.... lol
  5. Twinblade.... Obama was president until January 2017. The numbers declined under his watch. Talk about self ownage 😂🤣 Not only that.... Trump changed the rule even after Obama reduced the numbers. Trump revokes Obama rule on reporting drone strike deaths President Donald Trump has revoked a policy set by his predecessor requiring US intelligence officials to publish the number of civilians killed in drone strikes outside of war zones.
  6. I agree, they should have shut down the Russian disinformation campaign Trump ran with in 2016
  7. Stop being dumb gouk. Twitter bans people's for the dumbest inoffensive shit all the time. Inciting violence is not the same as saying woman have periods. WTF are you babbling about?
  8. Cooke always does that shit and act like he didn't remember what he said a few minutes ago.. lol
  9. Sending troops to defend an embassy is not related to occupying a country doofus.
  10. Could you imagine the outrage if Biden let Russia get away with giving away bounties kill America soldiers like how Trump did? yikes.
  11. But LemiJ said it was next-gen only and that PS5 was struggling to run it
  12. So not only is Cooke clueless about what's going in the US he is also clueless about what's going on kn Canada... his own country. My goodness.. lol
  13. DynamiteCop actually believed there were ZERO suicide bombings in Iraq for four years.... I mean how stupid do you have to be 😂🤣
  14. Wait... DynamiteCop thinks there wasn't any suicide bombings in 4 years? What bubble have you been living in?
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