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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. The west's dirt poor immigrants actually have indoor plumbing, they're living like Kings and Queens compared to you. No wonder you're always so butt hurt... sucks to be you
  2. "It will disappear by the summer" "The summer heat will kill it" "Car crashes and Cancer are more deadly" "Covid19 is a hoax"
  3. No. If Trump gets pardoned after all this shit it sends a bar signal that there are no consequences. The next person to emulate Trump would the be more extreme because what is there to lose if you're going to get pardoned in the end?
  4. Immigrants who come to Western Countries with not a dollar to their name have it better than you? Damn kid, no wonder you're always bitter 😂🤣
  5. So what's you're saying is, if the hybrid console wasn't a hybrid console it would flop... lmfao. The handheld only Switch sells much much less than the Switch that Docks even in Japan. If they were buying it solely for portability the handheld only switch would sell the most.... but it's not. Example.... On the last Japanese chart the dockable Switch outsold the handheld Switch by over 100K in a week.... in a week.... a week.
  6. stop dodging - Immigrants get everything handed to them on a silver platter? Where is this occurring?
  7. Once again Cooke can't grasp simple concepts 🤣
  8. it was just ironic how you are guilty of the exact same thing in that post, but because you lack any semblance of self awareness you can't see it.
  9. Well if they're responsible for their own issues if you take their place you can simply just not do things to cause those issue right? and you would simply all of a sudden get a far shake as a black man right? lol
  10. What an insightful post about the state of MAGA, glad you've seen the light.
  11. Immigrants get everything handed to them on a silver platter? Where is this occurring?
  12. Being an illegal immigrant is worse than an American traitor who attempted an insurrection? Man your brain is fucked.
  13. This clown still thinks an insurrection is on the same level as looting 😂🤣
  14. K cool. Don't be mad because you're transparent.
  15. Your attempt to race bait with this thread. Your attempt to paint the opinion piece as racist so that you get your little racist pot shots under the guise of calling out the "article".
  16. Cooke everyone saw through your pathetic attempt.... you're as subtle as Ghostz with his race bait threads. You're not as clever as you think lol
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