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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Mitch McConnell has been using Trump Fri day one.... Now that Trump is a loser and officially is no use to him he is throwing Trump under the bus. Kinda how Trump used you MAGA clowns for the last four years and immediately threw the under the bus after Wednesday 😂🤣 If impeached and the senate convicts... Trump cannot run again
  2. Law Abiding gun owners have nothing to be afraid of. Why are you so scared? Law and Order
  3. it will be bonkers. Look at how these ALT right snow flakes are acting now and Biden hasn't even taken office as yet... lol
  4. Google doesn't work for Cooke it seems. Cooke really think people don't see through his BS? lol
  5. It's like talking to a brick wall with you. Again who is saying all his supporters are apologists? The segment of his supporters who said he did nothing wrong are apologists. His supporters on this board are actively doing that, so they're also apologists. Read that as many times ae you need to understand it.
  6. 900p, locked 30fps and faster load times that you played world at 😂🤣 You played it at 25fps, waiting a full minute to load the game at 864p This handheld is gave a better monster Hunter experience than what you played.
  7. bbbbbut ut Twinblade and DynamiteCop said this wasn't an issue and it wouldn't lead to anything major.
  8. You played Monster Hunter World at 864p 25 fps with almost minute long load times.... sit the fuck down 😂🤣
  9. Monster Hunter World ran like trash on PS4 and Xbox1 ( in the 20s), the load times were long as fuck and the resolution dropped to 864p 😂🤣😂
  10. Again that's not how it works clown. You guys were given time to present the evidence. ZERO EVIDENCE WAS PRESENTED. Yet still, you want to overturn the election with ZERO EVIDENCE of fraud? GTFO. As I said earlier... you guys can discuss your crazy conspiracy theories all you want but it wasn't simply a discussion.... you guys wanted to present your lies as facts. and then wanted everyone to believe the lies and you guys labeled anyone who didn't believe your lies are traitor and then attacked congress because they were traitors for not believing your
  11. I'm not surprised they're apologists. I'm explaining and showing you examples ot tje being Apologist.... remember you claimed I unjustly labeled them as such?
  12. You guys can freely express your denial of reality all you want. Unfortunately that's not all you guys wanted to do. You guys wanted everyone to conform to your baseless claims and ANYONE who didn't conform was labeled a traitor to the United States. You guys turned on BARR, Mitch McConnell and then Vice President (three of thw president biggest allies for the last 4 years) all because they didn't want to deny reality. Which then lead to that rally which lead to the insurrection. Now you're on here arguing for the right for fake news to be spread under
  13. That's not how it works clown. First thing first. The side that is making a claim has to provide the evidence to back up their claims. So far they haven't provided ANY EVIDENCE that the election was stolen. That's why ALL THE CASES GOT THROWN OUT OF COURT. and now because they cannot accept that they lost.. they attacked the Capitol.
  14. In the second video do you see how she is crying "it hurts, it hurts" simply because she is in handcuffs? Bet you these are the same type of people who said it was no big deal that George floyd neck was crushed while being detained.
  15. The FBI was also watching the site for sometime now too. But how stupid do you have to be to upload your ID to a social media site and then proceed to plan an insurrection against the United States government? 😂🤣
  16. Cuz if you did and you posted calls to violence or calls to insurrection you're about to be owned by the FBI Apparently Parlor had this feature called verified citizen. Where you were required to upload your drivers license... front and back to prove you're American. The FBI now has access to this database of "verified citizens" who were supporting, planning and organizing the insurrection attempt on Wednesday as well as these upcoming acts of violence. In their effort to create their xenophobic hate filled site.... they probably created the BIGG
  17. @Vini Here's another example as to why I labeled these posters Apologists 😂🤣😂🤣
  18. So wait, that attack on the capitol, where they planted pipe bombs, beat two officers to death, attacked the vice president of America's security detail and ransacked congress wasn't an act of terrorism against the senators and the VP?
  19. Who is trying to wipe all conservatives off social media? I'm sure they want to wipe the alt right terrorists, the alt right insurrectionist, their apologists and the people who incited and radicalized them. So are YOU saying that all conservatives fit into those categories? No Trump didn't try to put out the fire afterwards. Did you forget that the two tweets that got him banned were posted HOURS AFTER the incident. and he was STILL SPOUTING LIES, INCITING VIOLENCE ANR TELLING THEM KEEP FIGHTING 😐
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