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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. You're denying Xbox lost just like your MAGA and QAnon kinfolk. MagaJon is big mad
  2. No retard. A spoiler is a candidate who is only in the race not to win themselves but to try to make another candidate win.....as explained by RJK Jr campaign staff and RFK himself
  3. @Remij the full European market sales are out. Why didn't you update us? Oh wait the launch sales of DDII were lower than FF7 Rebirth's launch sales..... You celebrated too early "The highest ranking new title is Dragon's Dogma 2 at No. 3... It was the second of the two big Japanese RPG games this year, and in terms of the first two weeks of sales,Final Fantasy just about beat Dragon’s Dogma. Note: Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth was only released on PS5, whereas Dragon’s Dogma 2 is on PS5, PC and Xbox." https://www.gamesindustry.biz/author
  4. You got sooo mad that Xbox is redundant you retorted to made up personal attacks.... Like you're a Lil school kid or something "nooo not my Xbox , that's why you're mama is fat"
  5. Slow jonny back to making up shit about me.... Xbox being Redundant really got you that mad huh?
  6. Nothing you have said changes the FACT that there is such a thing as a spoiler candidate. Nothing you have said changes the fact that RFK Jr clearly defined what one is. Your dumbass said it doesn't exist, when it clearly does
  7. How's that Red wave coming along? Or how's all those special elections coming along? Lmfao Republicans have been poling through the roof since Trump won in 2016. Yet since then they have LOST a majority of the races they were polling ahead in.
  8. Do you no understand what STATE TV means or entails? Why are you so fucking clueless about everything?
  9. For what you guys are trying to spin it into it's not an apt comparison. (the publicly available data) That's not me knocking him, that's me knocking you guys.
  10. Lmfao sloooooooooooooow jonny strikes again
  11. Are you two clowns dense? I'm not discrediting Matt. The lynux3 post I responded to has Matt agreeing that lumping in Mobile, PC, VR, micro transactions, DLC + other platforms that never had physical to begin with is not an apt comparison. And that a physical games vs digital games sales is a better comparison... Matt agreed with that in his response. But as he said he can't share that info publicly because it's part of their paid data set that they provide to their clients. Next gen Nintendo and Sony will both still have physical games.
  12. Retard... I also provided news articles, link to the Russian state media and you tucked your tail and ran You even tried to claim that Russian state media doesn't represent Putin's thoughts and feelings lmfao.
  13. Did you see that Putin is blaming Ukraine for allegedly funding terrorism attacks within Russia.....remember when you said that wasn't the case
  14. lol at slow Jonny and his dumb crew misrepresenting my stance only to get destroyed in the first reply 🤣😂
  15. Nah it's called the best combo. I wouldn't be stupid enough to invest into two redundant systems
  16. Nah it's called the best combo. I wouldn't be stupid enough to invest into two redundant systems
  17. Are you doing your best slow Jonny routine? You claimed your DD was out selling FF claim was based on the places it's out selling where we know the numbers. We don't know the UK or full Europe numbers, just the physical in UK only. We do know the Japan numbers where FF launched 4X DD. Sooo which places are you referring too? You seem to be running from backing up that BS claim
  18. I've owned PS + Nintendo systems since PS1. To this day it remains the best combo.
  19. Launch vs launch.. Read dipshit. So what places were you referring to where DD is selling more?
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