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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. On 2023-08-14 at 7:52 PM, JonDnD said:

    I feel like GN guy watched every LTT video taking notes just waiting for this day to come. Sounds like most of the sheep and cows at SW.


    Of course this would be slow Jonny's take on this. 


    Its unfathomable to him that people actually remember shit and call out the BS.  That MUST MEAN that GN went hunting for gotchas... That's the only explanation.  


    Never change Sloooooowwww Jonny. 


  2. 20 hours ago, Cooke said:

    Umm that's kinda what I'm talking about bro. Nearly identical articles from multiple outlets repeating the same thing verbatim all at the same time. No new reporting. Not actually providing evidence to counter the claim. Just saying "experts say this". Yeah experts are always right. It's like you haven't learnt anything during COVID. Experts are routinely wrong and routinely spout opinions to back certain narratives for financial incentives or to remain in the good graces of the establishment. 


    Right now climate is the new COVID. Everyone must repeat the same talking points without evidence. It's just fucking dogma at this point. 


    Sooo you still didn't know what you were talking about as usual... :umad:

  3. 10 hours ago, z,warrior said:

    A documentary is not evidence…


    There have been claims that offshore wind projects are responsible for the deaths of whales along the east coast of the United States, but some scientists say there is no evidence to support those claims1234. The Marine Mammal Commission, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management have all rejected a link between the deaths and the offshore wind energy industry2. One theory is that sonar-based surveys involved with placing the turbines may be interfering with the whales’ sonar and disorienting the creatures5. Some politicians and pundits have called for a pause in offshore wind development, but there is no evidence to support claims that wind development has anything to do with the whales washing up


    You have to excuse Cooke... He is not too smart. Using w documentary as evidence :kaz:


  4. 19 hours ago, Cooke said:


    Can we stop with the massive wind farms that destroy millions of acres of land and are even worse on the water? Nuclear is safe, clean and could easily solve the energy crisis. 


    15 hours ago, Hot Sauce said:

    Can you provide some evidence of wind farms being the cause of this?


    I second this motion of Cooke providing some actual evidence of wind farms being the cause of this. 

  5. On 2023-08-12 at 1:49 AM, Mr. Impossible said:


    So is this you being disingenuous or stupid? It's lazy to claim Trump was under scrutiny because most times it was his own damn fault. From nearly the beginning. He's had the most corrupt administration since probably Nixon depending on a person's views of the Iraq war. 


    The thing the Kushner or Ivanka stuff really didn't ever dominate headlines and I'm sure you had no energy for it anyway. If this hunter Biden stuff has you this concerned it's weird you would never bring it up til now. 




    The house Republicans who called for the special counsel... Are now back peddling because a special counsel was appointed...


    Bbbut we didn't actually want a special counsel appointed to investigate Hunter :awww:



    They have just realized two things. 


    1) All the BS narratives they were pushing, where they had zero tangible evidence will be exposed as lies. Unlike social media, they will now have to actually back up their BS with facts. 


    2) This now inadvertently puts a spotlight on Jared Kushner's international Business dealings as a member of Trump's administration and all the kick back he received.   And now down line if and when Democrats call for a special counsel to investigate that... They're cooked. 


    Because actual white house policies and actions changed to benefit those countries and Jared and Co got kick backs for it. 



    Love to see it :juggle:


  6. @Cooke


    The back peddling from the right has begun... They requested a special counsel and now that they got the request... They're back peddling Bbbbbbut we didn't want a special counsel :awww:







    It's to the point that they're claiming they never said Joe Biden was getting money from the Hunter's businesses. 




    Republicans just realized now with the special counsel only the facts will be investigated and all the bullshit they claimed will again be exposed for being bullshit.


    They are so short sighted. 




  7. On 2023-08-12 at 1:44 PM, Cooke said:

    For @Goukosan 🤣



    1/2 to 3/4 of this I never believed or posted on the other 1/2 or 1/4 these that I actually posted on are actually true, have actual tangible evidence, were proven in court and or people are serving time for those crimes. 


    Bbbbbbut it's still not true :awww:

  8. On 2023-08-11 at 6:26 PM, Cooke said:

    If you overlook the emails, the WhatsApp messages, the shell corporations, the allegations of way-above market high rent payments, the trips together, the dinners with foreigners who got favors granted, the suspicious activity reports, the money flow to Biden family members, the video clip of Joe Biden talking about using US loan guarantee as leverage to get Shokin fired, the FBI 1023 report, the IRS agent whistleblower testimony, the 10% held by H for the big guy, the false exculpatory statements about not ever meeting with or speaking to Hunter’s business partners, the clear evidence he did, and several other things...


    Easily duped Cooke :kaz:.... How is it that when it's time to present the actual FACTS in court or at a hearing... None of the conspiracy theories and fake shit you must posted ever gets proven true? :umad:



  9. 2 hours ago, Cooke said:

    You should probably care a little bit. 



    Republicans made this a closed door hearing and then lied about what Devon actually said... Lmfao









    And last but not least the #3 republican on the hearing walking out from the hearing looking defeated after Devon's testimony didn't match republican fantasies :kaz:



    Comer and Jim Jordan also walked out mid hearing once Devon confirmed Biden didn't discuss business.... Lmfao. 

  10. Just now, Tears of the Cows said:

    No, it’s simply being upgraded to the frostbite engine , which is what all other versions use. 

    again, why aren’t other versions being marketed as new?





    Entirely new game on Switch.  Stop spinning.  


    "Unlike previous years, EA FC 24 on Nintendo Switch will be an entirely new game to its predecessor."  

  11. 2 hours ago, Cooke said:

    You should probably care a little bit. 




    The very first paragraph after the headline reads. 


    "But Hunter's business associate, Devon Archer, told lawmakers Joe Biden did not discuss business on the calls, according to those at the hearing." 


    Why don't you ever read beyond a headline? Lol :umad:



    The full transcript of the hearing is public. Devon said over and over Joe did not discuss any business with his son on any of those calls and he was calling to check on his son. 


    For context his brother (Joe's first son) had just died from cancer around that time. 



  12. 3 hours ago, Cooke said:


    Yes a continuation of the previous investigation by the same special council, which ended in a plea deal.  Which was then delayed and reopened. 


    No issue with this, just don't go silent and disappear when this 2nd one ends the same way as the first :umad:




    P.S. This has nothing to do with the allegations by republicans about Joe Biden.  This is strictly related to Hunter and the previous investigation with taxes and the gun license. 


    "Hunter Biden has been charged with two misdemeanour tax offenses for allegedly not paying income taxes in 2017 and 2018, years in which he earned in excess of $1.5m (£1.1M), according to the US Attorney's Office in Delaware." 


    "He faces an additional felony charge for allegedly possessing a firearm while addicted to and using illegal drugs." 



  13. 3 hours ago, Tears of the Cows said:

    The “brand new game” existed last year on PS and Xbox. 

    You finally realized how stupid you were, and now you have to where to go. 


    It's not a port of those games. It's a brand new version on Switch that is similar to the Xbox and PS4 versions. 


    "Unlike previous years, EA FC 24 on Nintendo Switch will be an entirely new game to its predecessor."  :umad:



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