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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Who motivated these people to action? Who's been lying to them that the election was stolen and they you must "take the country back" by any means necessary? Who literally told them fight to the end and never give up to take the country back? Trump doesn't get to back track after he already brainwashed these clowns. The responsibly and blood is on his hands.
  2. Have you seen their posts? Twinblade just posted that Trump has no responsibility for what happened. On Wednesday he blamed Antifa for what happened. Cooke and DynamiteCop are downplaying Wednesday's insurrection as a minor event. I called them apologists because they're acting like Apologists.
  3. He literally told them to head down to the state Capitol and fight like crazy... "I'll be there with you" Then Rudy came up and told the crowd to engage in "Trial by combat" with the senators and March down to the Capitol. Trump also PURPOSEFULLY held this rally the same day when congress was in session. He incited the crowd and sent them down there.
  4. 1) Trump didn't get 80 million votes. 2) Who said everyone who voted for him are insurrectionists? Were specifically speaking about his supporters who did this. You guys are projecting HARD. Not because you guys take the actions of some people in a movement and project it onto the entire movement, you guys think we're doing the same to Trump voters... lol Oh and Vini "teh violent left Amirite?" "One Boogaloo movement follower indicated the building with the snipers would need to be blown up in order to protect Boogaloo fighters in t
  5. They're not going to protest 🤡. They're actually calling for war. “Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” Law and Order
  6. Listen to this grown woman bawl and scream like a baby. Not so tough anymore huh? Threw your life away for Trump and his lies... you deserve it 😂😂
  7. all 50 state Capitol you say? The Apologist on this board have their work cut out for them next week. Cooke Twinblade DynamiteCop Literal Nazi and crew will be working overtime.
  8. Wait, they thought they wouldn't be labeled terrorists and insurrectionist after what they did on Wednesday? 😂🤣😂
  9. You left Canada and visited Portland recently?
  10. Says the guy equating insurrection with looting businesses 😂🤣😂🤣
  11. I knew your dumbass didn't grasp the gravity of what happened on Wednesday 😂🤣
  12. You're slipping Cooke, right wing Media is crying foul for Trump being banned by Big Tech..... where's your outage?!!!!?!??
  13. of course she knows this, that's why she is throwing them under the bus... The alt right is eating itself alive... glorious
  14. The rioters over the summer were dealt with, those who rioted were arested and charged. but again, you still haven't said what does any of that have to do with an insurrection.
  15. Again, what does this have to do with an insurrection? 🤡
  16. Mr Law and Order himself, Mr Blue Lives Matter, Mr you break the law you pay full consequences... look at you bending over backwards to downplay insurrection. You're the same guy who wants to BLOW UP people for crossing the boarder but for some reason you're ok with this shit.....
  17. What happened to "Law and Order", "Blue Lives Matter"... "You lost get over It"? It's going to end terribly for the MAGA insurrectionist. Federal Jail time or death. Sorry to break the news to you Mr Apologist.
  18. The question is in the post you quoted..... 22 hrs now... still you're dodging 😂🤣
  19. Bro... if FB, Google etc is attacked... I just said they will face jail time, just like the people who destroyed businesses in the summer faced jail time. again I ask you, what does that have to do with the insurrection that occurred on Wednesday? Why does your dumbass keep comparing looting, vandalism etc to a fucking insurrection?
  20. Yes you aren't a insurrectionist.... but you're an insurrectionist apologist.
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