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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. If the mobs attack those places the samething will happen to them that happen to the people that attacked Walmart and target etc.... they will face jail time. So now that that's out of the way what does any of that have to do with the insurrection that occurred on Wed?
  2. Hey clown ass, who said the 70 million people who voted for Trump are insurrectionist and Terrorists? Who said they're all Apologist for what happened on Wednesday? Parlor got pulled because they harbored Alt right terrorists who are planning to attack the United States and Palor was actually encouraging this. The other millions of Trump supporters who aren't terrorists or insurrectionist aren't banned in Twitter, FB, IG etc.
  3. I agree. SW is currently harboring Apologists who are bending over backwards to defend shit like this that's actively calling for attacks on the US. "Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” Amazon stopped hosting Palor on its servers, now they're searching for an alternative host. It's only a matter of time before SW meets that same fate.
  4. All because they lost an election. Yes answer the question you dodged from 21 hrs ago.
  5. When Trump won, no one stormed the capitol, ransacked congress, Killed officers, planted bombs and planned to kill the Vice President. When Trump won, no one planned to attack his inauguration. They're literally planning to kill the United States president because they're sore losers. Yes I know you don't care if it's a walmart because your dumbass thinks that's the same as an insurrection.... Fucking clown ass 😂🤣
  6. Cooke thinks an insurrection is the same as looting a walmart confirmed 🤣 You're getting dumber by the minute.
  7. All of this because they're sore losers? The right, alt right and the republicans are the biggest snowflakes on the planet.
  8. Cooke still with the false equivalency as if an insurrection is the same as looting a walmart 🤡 😂🤣 Let's also remind everyone that this insurrection occurred because THEY'RE SORE LOSERS. A better comparison would be to compare what the left did between the time Trump lost wnd before his inauguration...... Protest and March. Now compare that to what the right did on Wednesday..... storm the capitol, ramshack both chambers of congress, plant pipe bombs, kill an on duty officer etc.
  9. That's just a boycott bro... calm your man tits 😂🤣
  10. You keep dodging the question. Where in the article did it call all Trump supporters terrorists? 🤔
  11. I read the article before I even posted. Did you actually read it? It's about the clowns that attacked on Wednesday and the clowns who also plan to attack on the 20th. Here's how The article framed it "Trump supporters with extremist views" No where does it say all Trump supporters are terrorists or extremists. Are you a Trump supporter with an extremist view? Why are you so triggered that it's calling out Trump supporters who are extremists? So again I asked you, who said all Trump supporters are terrorists? 🤔
  12. Hey retard, yea you with the persecution complex. Are you posting in wrong thread? This thread is specifically about the right wing extremists who plan to attack the inauguration. Who said every Trump supporter planned to attack the inauguration? Who said every Trump supporter is a terrorist?
  13. Twinblade is now defending the guys that are planning to come armed to the teeth to attack a UNITED STATES PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURATION. 😐 “Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” Even these clowns stopped supporting Trump after he threw them under the bus on Thursday. Twinblade is standing firm as a Trump bootlicker
  14. What happened to Mr Law and Order retarded cop? .... Its hilarious how quickly they flip flop at the drop of a dime. Apparently insurrection is the same as looting a walmart 🤡
  15. I mean if they had burned down a Walmart as well I could see your point..... but they didn't. What happened on Wednesday was an insurrection.
  16. Storming the Capitol while congress is in session is not the same as looting a closed target you buffoon.
  17. This was an attack on the United States government you clown 🤡. They literally stormed the capital and both chambers of congress, chanting hang Mike Pence, ransacked congressional chambers etc. Federal prison is awaiting all of them
  18. Demo Technical Stats. Locked 30fps. Fast load times. Dynamic ~900p to ~720p. Seems like the RE engine was finely optimized to run on the Switch
  19. Injured tons of officers and killed one..... Blue Lives Matter Officer Crushed in door by the peaceful. protestors.
  20. Capitol Rioter Seen in Horned Hat, Carrying Spear Arrested: US Attorney Jacob Anthony Chansley, a longtime QAnon supporter from Arizona known as Jake Angeli, was arrested Saturday, authorities said Law and Order
  21. Pipe Bombs, Molotov Cocktails, flash bangs, found in the US Capitol and they killed an officer on Duty... = Peaceful and orderly.
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