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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. This wasn't the stance you held when Trump was in power. Why all of a sudden its an issue now that Trump lost? Last I check, all his supporters had four years of free reign on this political board to post and tag and do whatever. Everyone manned up and took it. Biden hasn't even been inaugurated yet and you Trumpets are crying up a storm, threatening to close the political board, making stricter rules because you can't take the same shit talk you guys spewed for 4 years? Trump's loss really exposed who the real snowflakes are 😂🤣
  2. (starts at the 30 min mark) Switch starting the year off with a BANGER
  3. "teh cliff" was actually supposed to happen January 2018 after the novelty of a hybrid wore off 😂🤣
  4. Metacritic.com # of good games for 2020 1) PC - 136 2) Switch - 134 3) PS4 - 117 4) Xbox One - 70 You were saying? 😂🤣🤣😂
  5. Audio proof?....bbbbut that's not what he meant... he wasn't being literal.... he wanted to discard illegal votes.... any vote not for him is illegal.... MAGA!!!
  6. I mean it shows PC, Switch and PS4 with a ton of games and Xbox with much much much less overall.... which is a pretty accurate representation of the market.
  7. Metacritic.com # of good games for 2020 1) PC - 136 2) Switch - 134 3) PS4 - 117 4) Xbox One - 70 PC and Switch each both had almost TWICE the amount of good games than Xbox1 this year.
  8. The Alt right is eating the republican party alive from the inside. Biden's DOMINATING BLOWOUT win is pitting the right vs the alt right as they both go for each other's neck..... glorious
  9. The + version also launched with higher scores than the Xs and anything else in its class at launch. Try again.
  10. Nothing you just said has anything to do with the blatant lie you told that its only this recent galaxy that was better than the Xs when in fact the S10 line was better at launch and for the entire year.
  11. Bro you claimed that it took until this year for the current galaxy to have a better camera than the Xs, which is a flat out lie. The GS10 line was better at launch and for basically the entire year of launch.... for both Camera and screen. obviously The most current iPhone 12 will launch with a better screen and camera than a year old GS20. And the GS21 will launch with a better screen and camera than the iPhone 12. Same shit happens every year.
  12. Ghostz with the fake news again. The galaxy S10 line beat the Xs at launch 3 years ago. The ranking summary on Dxomark.com is currently not including a bunch of phones for some reason (might be a glitch) but you can still find the reviews on the website. the S10 line had the number 1 camera scores on Dxomark.com for all of 2019 (tied with Huawei)
  13. 6 million had nothing to do with it not being on Xbox and PS4. That 6 million is a marketing deal/ timed Exclusive in relation to the Switch and PC. PS4/Xbox was never in the works for Rise and it would cost more than 6 million to keep a game off PS4. The game was Switch only (console side) from jump. Bodycount threw in PS4/Xbox in his thread title but the documents say nothing of those consoles. There is a PC version solely because of the Chinese market. Consoles haven't fully penetration China... but PC gaming is HUGE there. I
  14. It didn't seem that bad to me so I looked it up. Seems like there was a patch to cut about 15 to 20 seconds off of loading.... prior to that it would take upwards to 40 seconds.... Yikes.
  15. Dat Salt 😂🤣 MHW used a different engine than what MH Rise will be using. MHW struggling to run has no bearing on Rise.
  16. its the intent. An attempted terrorist attack should get more coverage it deserves. You should have been the first to make this thread. You're slipping bro.
  17. no one knows that better than Remij... all he does is beg for ports and wait for games to come to PC. Poor slob has been waiting 8 years for Bloodborne and 13 years for NMH 😂🤣
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