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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. The digital for UK isn't out yet just the physical. So you can't definitely say that as yet... But that didn't stop you from extrapolating that to represent how the franchise on a whole is doing... Lmfao In Japan FF launched 4- 5x above what DD launched at. So what places are you referring to?
  2. Are you retarded? Wait don't answer that... Lol. RFK said out of his own mouth that there was a spoiler candidate in 2000. LITERALLY said it.. And he then further explained what he meant. No words were twisted, or taken out of context. His own words. His campaign seems to strangely have an issue of its representatives keep saying various ways how RFK himself could potentially be a spoiler.... Strange.
  3. You're really extrapolating that Physical only in UK only = DD is out selling FF across the board huh? 🤣
  4. Says the guy with a green name hiding behind PC and barely touching his Xbox. PC sucks.. I hate it
  5. No need to respond then, but you cannot help yourself 🤣
  6. You lost your shit after I pointed out that Xbox and PC redundant. Wipe your tear up chump. You don't have to respond, but you cannot help yourself.
  7. Pointing out Xbox + PC is redundant = obsession. Slow Jonny logic
  8. It's so not redundant that you haven't touch your Xbox much
  9. What does PS5 have do with Xbox + PC being redundant? Lol
  10. Slow Jonny logic. Waiting years for a port = redundant. Day 1 Xbox games on PC = not redundant..
  11. That L you took hurt you bad you tried to resurrect the argument and you still lost It's going to be a long year or two for you waiting for FF Rebirth.. Buckle up.
  12. Who said anything about you getting a PS5? That has nothing to do with Xbox + PC being redundant genius.
  13. Right right... It's all about "potential growth on PC" and not "Im salty it's not day 1 on PC" uh huh.. Lol You're acting as if the game is never coming to PC, what's the big issue that's it not day 1? You lost the argument and then started it back up again because you thought what Chris said benefited your point... When it didn't. Whipe those tears up and enjoy the wait.
  14. Reread what I said... I addressed the thread topic. Once again what Chris said it's not the victory you think it is. Checks tread topic... Pretty sure it's about the UK market.... Which Chris just pointed out is VERY SMALL FOR XBOX AND PC. Which also means FF being on Xbox and PC day 1 in the UK market would not have made a difference as I stated in my previous reply. Pretty sure what Chris said goes against your argument of using the UK market to claim FF should have been day 1 on PC + Xbox seeing as their market there is so small Henc
  15. I told that retard slow Jonny a PC + Xbox for gaming is redundant...he screamed cried and argued "Bbbbbut that's not true " Now look at him barely touching his Xbox because..... checks notes... It's redundant
  16. You're back to being salty that it's not day 1 on PC, I thought you said no need to continue? Chris said Xbox + PC are very small markets in the UK.. So it stands to reason FF7 being day 1 wouldn't have made a difference in the UK. Are you sure physical only, in the UK only is the hill you want to die on? So when the global numbers come out and it shows FF curb stomped DD 2, then what? Are you you going to be salty for the next two years waiting for the PC port?
  17. RFK jr explained himself what a spoiler candidate is Cooke. Stop being retarded... Lol
  18. There's no such thing as a spoiler candidate? Lol Tell that to RFK jr who clearly spells out the spoiler candidate in the 2000 election. Somehow someone in his campaign always let's it slip that he is a spoiler candidate and then his campaign has to back peddle and damage control. That time was himself letting it slip Lol When your goal is NOT to win the election but instead make someone else lose an election. That's a spoiler candidate dumbass.
  19. Nah you're salty.. to the point that you're saying "Bbbbbut FF used to be multi" just because it wasn't day 1 PC. It will still be on multiple platforms... Your salty ass just has to wait.
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